What if my problem is “I cannot find anywhere to park”?
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All my problems?February 29th, 2012 |
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What if my problem is that I think astrology is a load of crap?
Then, David, I would think that you are an idiot.
Australia has produced four world-class models. Elle Macpherson (The Body), Jennifer Hawkins (Miss Universe), Miranda Kerr, Megan Gale. All of them are from fire signs- Elle and Miranda are both Aries, Megan Gale is Leo, and Jennifer is Sagittarius. For them ALL to be fire signs seems beyond simple coincidence.
And if you keep your eyes open, you will notice odd news-items from time to time- babies born in May are reported, by scientists, to be heavier than others- and Taurus uses up most of May, Taurus, the glutton!
There are also odd bits of lore hidden in the constellations. For instance, Gemini is the sign of the twins- and there are more double stars in that part of the sky than any other section!
So, David, I would suggest you at least keep an open mind.
No David: That’s “Spatilomancy” ;p
Michael, have you thought about buying a Mitsubishi Scorpion?
Looking at it another way, all star signs have some element of ego, egos cause you to buy a bigger car than you need, so you should buy a smaller car, which will fit into small spaces. What’s the problem?
‘Nuke’, I’ve got to say you surprised me there. If that was actually a serious post, it is without doubt the stupidest think I’ve ever known you to say. Astrology is a load of crap, and people who believe in it have serious mental problems. Of course, if it was just a spoof then my hat’s off to you; you got me fair and square.
Laird, your closed-minded attitude saddens me! I was as surprised as anyone when I found out that Australia’s supermodels are all fire signs, but a check of their birthdates will confirm it. If you look up a book by Gunter Sachs, called ‘The Astrology file’, you will find statistical evidence for this very subject.
And the facts about the stars in Gemini, that they are twin suns, or more, was something discovered by scientists recently. All this is verifyable.
Why not look for yourself?
Nuke, you’ve confused correlation with causation. I’m disappointed, because my opinion of you has now taken a significant nosedive.
No, i have not confused the two, and I am not an Astrophile- the stars don’t dictate behaviour. I think there is an influence, but it is like advertising. The reason i think that Astrology works is because of quantum entanglement. Think of all those people who read astrology columns, reinforcing the stereotypes every day! If there is anything to quamtum entanglement, then we should all be subject to the lore of the land! Only if there was no quantum entanglement would there be no astrology.
I am surprised that you hadn’t realised I had an interest in esoteric subjects, since I often try to raise these issued whenever I can. Maybe you just skipped over these bits.
Come on Laird…his tongue is about to break through his cheek it’s pressing so hard!
I’ve just had mad flash of inspiration! Everyone knows how identical computer equipment can show different behavioural characteristics – some works perfectly – while its production line twin can behave like its been built using anti-software. Well I’ve just realised that its because we don’t take enough astrology into account when building computers! The more complex the computer, the more like a human, the more it will need to have its “switch-on/birth” date organised according to astrological alignment…. it makes so much sense… in fact I think Apple do this already – (facepalm!) why didn’t I see it before – with all their control freakery it’s blindingly obvious: they must initialise all their Operating Systems at the end of August…Apple IS Virgo!! 🙂
“Quantum entanglement”? You might be right, Goober (although that was the only clue). I hope so, anyway. I’m done here.
Nuke, I only found astrology of any practical use as a conversation point when hitting on women before I got married. That’s it. The rest of BS.
I once told a woman I was a Gemini and she screamed.
Yes, the reputation of Geminis, as being less inclined to stay with one person than any other sign, is well-known. If any of you do bother to look at that book, The Astrology File, you will find that according to German Records, Geminis really do go through more divorces than other signs. Though it does seem as though most people’s minds are made up, judging by the comments here.
Hmm, sorry, you’d think that computers would be a Virgo initiative, but Apple Computers were officially started on April Fool’s Day, the 1st of April of 1976, and Microsoft was inaugurated on the Fourth of April of 1975. They are both Aries- the sign of the pioneer! It makes some kind of sence.