When young beautiful and really smart girls are on your side, you know you are winning. Check out Token Libertarian Girl’s Youtube channel
You will not regret it.
We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people. Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house] Authors
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Signs that we are winning…When young beautiful and really smart girls are on your side, you know you are winning. Check out Token Libertarian Girl’s Youtube channel You will not regret it. November 12th, 2011 |
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Whilst engaging libertarian babes are always to be welcomed, I suspect we will ‘win’ more due to the dragon eating its own tail and vanishing up its own backside 🙂
Will we win by mixing our metaphors? Or by doing things in the right order?
No but maybe we’ll win by being whiny pains in the ass?
Ah, Perry… I’m just quoting you from many years ago. 😉
I can well believe that 😀
Not bad, pretty much every standard argument expressed in five minutes.
But she could really do with better sound and editing!
Bruce, she looks good enough to not have to worry about that;-)
Perhaps that video resonates with her age cohort; I certainly hope so. Personally, though, I don’t need to be lectured to by a 20-something, even when her arguments are correct (if un-nuanced). It grates. At 23 I knew it all, too.
I kind of like the idea of winning by mixing our metaphors, though. That I can do!
I’m thinking 20-somethings probably don’t like getting lectured by you either and are far more likely to listen to an attractive person more their own age.
Unfortunately there are lots and lots of young beautiful considered-smart-by-standard-social-criteria girls who believe in utterly nonsense.
If charm and hotness were highly correlated with holding libertarian beliefs we’d have had the political debate sewn up a long time ago…
There’s always room for more Rose Wilder Lanes –
I also am a collapse person Perry – not because I want collapse (I hate the whole idea – I desperatly want real reform), but because that is the way I see things going.
However, the collapse of statist structure does NOT mean we win – it could mean (is likely to mean) tyranny and chaos (not opposites of course – both resting on violence and the threat of it).
We will only win if, when the collapse occurs, enough people have already heard good things about libertariansm – and are willing to respect (and defend) other people’s property, rather than tear each other to pieces in the name of “social justice” and other horror concepts.
And who is the average person more likely to listen to.
A middle aged, bald, security guard and (now) gate warden person – like me?
Or one of the attractive and witty young people that Dale points us to?
Yes the left also attract young attractive women.
But there was a time when we did not (apart from a few obvious exceptions).
This is a real change – and to be welcomed.
Yeah, right.
I feel that I have to say that really, I do not like this. It is not worthy. What you just said/showed – together with the context of presentation – is probably unnecessarily unkind.
Poking fun like that would seem to be much too much ad hominem.
(rest of comment deleted by the management because, yeah, it is ad hominem)