To politicians, endless horror is much preferable to a horrible end.
– Samizdata commenter “Plamus”, discussing the future of the Euro here.
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Another Samizdata quote of the dayTo politicians, endless horror is much preferable to a horrible end. – Samizdata commenter “Plamus”, discussing the future of the Euro here. November 6th, 2011 |
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Yes – and not just for politicians.
Academics, media people, the financial elite……
Most of them would do just about anything to “save the finance economy”
They, quite rightly, understand that the collapse of the major banks (and the corporations that have grown to be dependent upon them) would indeed be “horrible” (for everyone).
But they fail to understand (or shut their eyes to), that their desperate efforts to “save the finance economy” (clue – real economies are not dominated by “financial services”, which are basically people sitting a circle and selling an empty box to each other, for higher and higher prices), do indeed produce “endless horror”.
And it will get worse and worse.
Its an old joke about consultants, but applies to politicians as well.
Paul, I think some of the issue is that when you can feed 7 billion but only require 100 million (at a guess) to do so, what do you do with the rest?
Some will be support for those farmers, some will help those supporters do their jobs. The rest have to have something to do…
Richard Thomas your language (really the language of the policians and so on) is the problem.
It is not the job of “you” to “feed 7 billion” or “what do you do with the rest”.
In a free society the government does not concern itself with such things – people sort themsleves out.
That is what a real “economy” is – not a “household” (the literal meaning of the word), but the increadibly complex system of interactions that are civil society – something that government intervention can only mess up.
“But the Irish famine” (or some other example).
And the state intervention of gathering the population together building roads “from nowhere to nowhere” worked so well…… – at least it worked if one is a microbe.
As the concentrated population (in the government aid projects) were slaughtered by sickness.
The whole peasant plot potato farm system was a result of state intervention in the first place – it had been created by the Penal Laws.