“What is certain is that the EU does not resemble a prosperity club that Britain should work more closely with.”
Fraser Nelson, Spectator.
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We cannot afford to be seen with these people“What is certain is that the EU does not resemble a prosperity club that Britain should work more closely with.” Fraser Nelson, Spectator. October 27th, 2011 |
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Quite so.
So…. join the US?
Joining a club isn’t compulsory, Mike.
So…. join the US?
We could have, back in the 2000s when the possibility of a free trade agreement was proposed, but Blair had to tell the Septics that decision-making on British trade was the responsibility of a foreign power in Brussels – and so he declined.
“So join the U.S.”.
Only in an alternative universe where the United States was actually governed according the Constitution.
It is not even close – nothing like.
Indeed the de facto bankruptcy of the bloated Federal government is very likely indeed (if not inevitable).
With the stranglehold the Feds have over almost every aspect of American life (including education, via their funding and regulations, and the media – via broadcasting regulations) the break up of the United States (as well as the European Union) may be the least worst hope for liberty.
Of course it would be a terrible thing to see the United States (with all its history and contributions – unlike the 1957 founded EEC which, contrary to the BBC and Financial Time propaganda had BUGGER ALL to do with keeping the peace in Europe) go.
But it would be much worse to see what is left of the United States “fundementally transformed” into the grinning skull of evil that Comrade Barack (and associates) have planned.
Like seeing Minias Ithil turned to Minias Morgul.
Better an end to it – and (perhaps) off to the Dakotas (plenty of natural resourses, and sensible local politics – and thousands of miles away from trouble) to build something new.
Of course if the old Republic can really be restored…..
But what hope is there of that?
More states for the US – England, Scotland, Northern ireland…would Wales be part of England, or a separate state?
I guess the Falklands would be part of England – oh joy, that will make our relations with Argentina interesting.
The Windsors will have to get real jobs.