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If you don’t like windmills, you’re a Nazi appeaser

This is priceless. It is a Friday, and it is good to have a laugh, even of a dark sort. Halloween’s on the way:

“Sir, I am saddened by the naivety of William Cash in juxtaposing wind farms and housing development as comparable threats to “our heritage”. If we do not tackle climate change there will be no heritage worth preserving, and probably no one around to appreciate the old piles. Not to mention, in the interim, the untold suffering caused to countries more immediately affected, such as Pakistan and the Horn of Africa. Opposing means of reducing carbon emissions is little better, where the likely consequences for human beings are concerned, than appeasing Hitler. Wind turbines are not, actually, particularly ugly, and certainly less so than the pylons we have lived with for decades.”

A letter from “Antony Black”, of Dundee, published in the 22 October print edition of the Spectator, page 30.

I love the way that this man likens skeptical views on Man-made global warming, and resistence to things like giant windmills, to the appeasement of a proven thug. It is worth quoting people like this man, not because it will have the slightest effect in changing their views, which constitute religious belief in its mix of fervour, self-righteousness and faux-rationality, but because it is important to show how such seemingly articulate people can believe such tosh, and get it printed in what is a relatively respectable publication.

James Delingpole, the British journalist, has a good take on the sort of folk that form part of the Climate Change alarmist crowd.

10 comments to If you don’t like windmills, you’re a Nazi appeaser

  • Steven Rockwell

    Remember when they were going to put that windfarm in MA until Teddy Kennedy realized he would be able to see the eyesore from his palace on Martha’s Vinyard and killed the project?

    Who knew Teddy Kennedy was a Nazi?

  • John K

    His dad got on well with them!

  • PeterT

    slightly off topic, but does anybody know anything about the new study that supposedly confirms that global warming is happening…probably tosh of course but it would be good to see some links debunking it

  • mdc

    If AGW is real, the sentiment is generally correct.

    That said, you would better replace “wind turbines” with “nuclear power-stations”, and I suspect Anthony Black of Dundee would switch sides.

  • RickC


    Charlie Martin on the findings with links to other commentary from Roger Pielke Sr. and Anthony Watts.


  • virgil xenophon

    It’s all very simple, really. As G.K. Chesterson said to a friend who was decrying the fact that as belief in God was on the wain, men would “believe in nothing!” by saying in reproof: “On the contrary, it simply means they will now believe in anything.” Worship of Gaia is the new religion for all “first world” secular utopians who now believe man is the measure of all things–which, in essence, means the use of totalitarian means to bring the “the truth” to all the unbelievers. Or as one Iraqi “insurgent” said to a reporter just prior to the first “purple finger” vote on a new constitution: “Why do we need a constitution when we already have the Koran?” “New Man” is the new God destined to create heaven right here on earth. For these people presently engaged in writing their own greenie “Koran”their “Kingdom” will come here, not in heaven, and all who would “pollute” the Garden of Eden that is Mother Gaia are intrinsicly evil and must be destroyed “by any means necessary.”

  • Paul Marks

    Of course the real Adolf Hitler (rather than the free market, friend of the Koch brothers, figure of leftisty mythology) was an ardent environmentalist.

    Indeed the Nazi movement was generally strongly environmentalist – it was central to their blood and soil ideology. Mr Black would find his environmentalist opinions shared by the young idealists of the National Socialist movement – and indeed German “Greenism”grew out of this movement (although it produced screams of anger to mention this).

    But their were other aspect of the National Socialist movement that are also relevant to Mr Black of Dundee.

    I do not mean racialism – but, rather, irationalism.

    The Nazis hated reason (the laws of logical reasoning) they denounced them as “Jewish” (as if Aristotle and so on were Jews) – as they hated anything that limited POWER (power must be directed by WILL, not reason, and can not be limited by reason).

    And this brings us to Mr Black’s support of wind turbines – technology that produces very little energy and is certainly no answer to C02 emissions (if one regards these emissions, as Mr Black claims to, as one of the central problem of our time).

    There is only one possible solution – nuclear power.

    Yet I rather doubt that Mr Black is a fan of nuclear power.

    The German Greens certainly are not (and the education system and media have brainwashed Germans, and Swiss people, against nuclear power).

    The very people who are most passionate in opposing C02 emissions are the people who are most passionate (most filled with WILL to action) against nuclear power.

    “But that is a massive contradiction Paul – it goes against reason for them to hold both of these positions at the same time….”

    Please see above.

  • Don Quixote didn’t like windmills…

  • Laird

    Yeah, and look what happened to him, Alan!

  • I guess windmills are a menace to more than just birds.