Apparently Greece has stopped the export of Tzatziki and Taramasalata… They’re worried about a double dip recession…
– Bert Trubshaw, seen in the comments over on the Telegraph.
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Samizdata quote of the dayApparently Greece has stopped the export of Tzatziki and Taramasalata… They’re worried about a double dip recession… – Bert Trubshaw, seen in the comments over on the Telegraph. September 1st, 2011 |
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Very droll.
Ah! but the Irish have been exporting, exporting – that is they have found work working for others outside Ireland, and thus defeated much of the hugger-mugger about their “high” Unit Labor Cost.
Problem may come to be for Ireland (and Greek specialities) that the rest of us will not have enough left after taxes to buy any of what they have on offer.
Obviously from someone with a great sense of humous.
Groan… but keep ’em coming 😀
Apparently, the Irish are planning to open a new Guinness brewery because they were told by Mervyn King that they were experiencing a liquidity crisis.
New entrepreneurs are wary of opening fast food takeaway shops. They keep hearing that the market is saturated.
“Apparently, the Irish are planning to open a new Guinness brewery because they were told by Mervyn King that they were experiencing a liquidity crisis. ”
Alternatively they could dip into the European Stability Fondue
Beware Greeks bearing dips.
Greece: making a drachma out of a crisis
Heard on Radio 2 yesterday.
To be serious for a little while…..
The whole European Union debate is a false one.
On one side we have people (such as the Chancellor of Germany) supporting yet more bailouts – for Greece and everywhere else.
And the other side (such as the Comrades at the “Financial Times”) we have people demanding full “fiscal union” (Euro bonds, E.U. taxes – and so on).
Notice what is missing?
Yes – nobody is argueing for LESS statism, or even that the level of statism be kept the same.
All the “big people” are arguing for yet MORE statism – just in different forms.