Obama declares US is still a AAA nation, in his regard. Like when i would try & convince my parents that my C+ in math was pretty much a B-
– Mark Ronson (via Twitter)
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Samizdata quote of the dayObama declares US is still a AAA nation, in his regard. Like when i would try & convince my parents that my C+ in math was pretty much a B- – Mark Ronson (via Twitter) August 9th, 2011 |
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Here’s something else that might have been a good QotD:
The DC establishment can ignore math, but math won’t ignore it.
Look, AmericA should only have 2As! AustrAliA has 3 ‘A’s, same as CAnAdA! Can’t Obama spell?
Warren Buffet thinks the US should be rated “AAAA”.(Link) Time to get out of Berkshire Hathaway?
The commonweAlth of AustrAliA really has 4 ‘A’s in its’ full title, so Warren has his countries confused.
Quite possibly.
I can’t help but be reminded of the climax of The Godfather…
This may be the only time Obama has said anything positive about America.
OK, I am sure it isn’t but I couldn’t pass up the cheap shot.
AlphA CentAuri also has 3 ‘A’s in it! Time to colonise space!
This is an odd place to mention it, but I hope Dale will soon tell us more about NASA finding anti-protons (or was it positrons?) trapped in magnetic fields around Earth. We might only need to harvest naturally-generating antimatter, and hey, presto- a viable power source for a spaceship!
Buffett was a big Obama contributor, wasn’t he?
I read via Bloomberg that WB bought a huge bunch of equities in the last few months, perhaps on a sort of value play.
The recent remarks of Greenspan made me sad. The old fella has lost the plot.
Greenspan “lost the plot” quite a long time ago.
Warren Buffet – an Obama supporter (out of hope for subsidies – for example for highspeed railroads, Buffet owns companies involved, and other corrupt reasons).
His own father (who was a good man) would spit in Warren’s face. It makes me feel ill to hear Warren Buffett talk of how much he loved his father. Mr Buffet (the real one) was a passionate anti Communist – he would have died of shame to hear that a life long Marxist had become President of the United States, and that his own son had helped put him there.
If this is “love” – then give me honest hatred.
Greenspan – those people who heard he was a follower of Ayn Rand should have checked the end of the story.
The lady shoved a dinner plate in his face – and he deserved it (he was going on about government support for the financial system, yes all those years ago).
Alan Greenspan was always a shit – some of us have been saying that for many years.
As for Comrade Barack.
I was watching as he spoke.
It was as he spoke that the Dow went below 11,000.
I quite agree with you about dear old Warren, he is nothing like the image of the genial Sage of Omaha he likes to portray. He is a very well connected Washington and Wall Street insider, who uses his insider knoweldge and position to profit himself. But you may not know that he has a beef with S&P, who last year downgraded Berkshire Hathaway to AA, rather puncturing his image of a careful investor poring over company reports, a copy of Graham & Dodd by his side. He’s a player, and as dirty as any other, but more successful than most.
I note that the US Treasury sold large batches of its 10-year bonds yesterday and today at record low interest rates. So much for the “skyrocketing” interest rates we were told to expect following a downgrade. (Maybe rates would go lower still if we were downgraded again!) And, for that matter, so much for the respect the market is paying to ratings agencies’ opinions these days. Investors are demanding nearly 80 basis points more in yield on French 10-year bonds than on equivalent US bonds, notwithstanding that France is still rated AAA while the US is only AA+.