Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.
– Ronald Reagan
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Samizdata quote of the dayGovernment is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. – Ronald Reagan July 16th, 2011 |
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While I understand the comparison is humorous, it is flawed.
I would submit the truly analogous entity for the state is a tapeworm.
I don’t believe I have to explain any further.
Governments are effwits who can’t get job elsewhere
A very apt analogy and one which might be extended.
Consider the way in which all governments (both local and national and of any political stripe) when faced with demands to curb spending, immediately respond by threatening to cut funding to areas the electorate values.
Is that not reminiscent of the way in which a spoiled child attempts to blackmail its parents, by acting out and breaking things, when told it can’t watch TV, have a new toy, or whatever?
Actually, government is more like parents who are willingly controlled and manipulated by their spoiled children. Right now the entire dysfunctional family is firmly parked in our collective living room, and it’s way too late to hide the china.
Can I add to that. Babies require constant attention and dont give you any peace.
Reagan had his share of flaws as a president but boy, he knew how to get the essence of the problem in language people can understand.
There is hardly a single political figure today who has his talent.
Completely agree, Alisa. Politicians are like teenagers; they can’t see beyond the next weekend, they get into trouble and expect you to sort it out, and if you ask them what they’re doing, they say “Nuffin'”.
Roe: actually my point was that politicians are like the dysfunctional parents, with the kids in this analogy being the various “interest groups”, unwilling to let go of their “entitlements”. But enough with nitpicking, we are totally screwed either way:-|
If Government is a baby, then I’m all in favour of post-birth abortions! Peter Singer, come back, all is forgiven!