My problem is that I find everything increasingly interesting.
– William Gibson
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Samizdata quote of the day
July 2nd, 2011 |
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I’m sure he meant it in the Chinese sense?
Well, everything is becoming increasingly interesting in the Chinese Curse sense too, but I don’t think that’s what he meant.
I read him as saying that he is suffering from the opposite of rational ignorance (“irrationally curiosity”?) That he wants more and more to be informed about everything, even when this is economically irrational because the costs to him of becoming informed are greater than the benefits.
If the opposite were the case, it would be a sign of depression.
However, I do see that the problem with everything becoming increasingly interesting is that one gets dispirited by the thought that there’s so little time left to explore it all.
And so little ability to actually do anything about it!
And then to edit the Wikipedia entry.
My problem is quite the reverse.
Then we clearly need to get you over for some dinner, Guy
I find the more you know, the more you realise things you previously thought were outside your grasp are in fact reachable.
I suspect this is because as you accumulate knowledge, it becomes unnecessary to learn the entirety of something, only how it differs from something you already understand. And, as AndrewWS says, so little time.
Yes, same problem here. I’m sure if I could confine myself to one interest, I could find the time to pursue it. But I’m interested in too many things to have time to investigate them enough.
I actually share Guy’s feelings on this, at least occasionally…