Our own Dale Amon has just been named Space Activist of the Year by the National Space Society. Well done Dale.
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Good newsOur own Dale Amon has just been named Space Activist of the Year by the National Space Society. Well done Dale. May 22nd, 2011 |
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For he’s a jolly good fellow:-)
And in case anyone is wondering, no, that link doesn’t reference Dale and the NSS have not put news of this on the internet yet. I got the news through other channels.
Congrats Dale – Kol Hakavod
Though to be frank I’m not sure that you’re the kid of guy who wants to ever be labeled an “Activist” . The word has taken on some less than savory connotations.
Congratulations, Dale.
Well, my two-word (and wholly innocuous) congratulatory post has been interdicted by the Smitebot. I had been feeling a bit neglected by it of late, but surely that’s a new low even for a bot of very little brain.
Congrats Dale, and well deserved too from what I can tell.
The only way we are going to get off this goddam rock and back up there where we belong, is going to be down to the likes of you Dale.
I raise a glass, and strum a blues, in you honour, good Sir!
In your list of who you are, left out were neo-(U.S. New England) Transcendentalists.
Good news! I always really enjoy the space posts here.
Well done indeed Dale.
Even more major good news Will Watson of the Space Frontier Foundation is now a dad.
A new (small) spacey libertarian has just joined the human race.
All the photos I have so far were blurred, but there was also a professional photographer but I don’t yet have a copy of hers. By the time of the awards banquet I was so far into sleep deprivation that I looked like I was going to fall over. I really had no idea I looked as sleep deprived as I felt…
It’s really a major hunk of metal. The pewter lunar globe is about the size of a shotput and is suspended over a mahogany base.
Among other things I’ve been the behind the scenes overseer of the NSS ISDC conference for nearly a decade now. I’ve also been putting together an historical digital archive that is starting to become quite a big thing.
Oh and while at it, my latest project: NSS Pilots, a special interest group open to any NSS member who has ever had a CFI signoff for solo flight in their log books.