Culture is very important. That is why the government should never be allowed to have a role in it.
– NickM
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Samizdata quote of the dayCulture is very important. That is why the government should never be allowed to have a role in it. – NickM December 6th, 2010 |
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A minister for culture? With our multi-culti society already, aren’t they going to be very busy indeed?
Yes, arts funding from the state should be wound down and all the propaganda that comes with it.
True creativity may yet have a chance.
Can you think of one truly great modern poet or musician?
The worship of the socialised norm would appear to be diametrically opposed to inspiration.
Unfortunately so is the reaction.
It just needs to cease being an issue.
Gary Barlow’s pretty good.
The only culture the gun’mint should have any association is the bacterial sort.
M Thompson – if you’re trying to use an Americanism, get it right (and have a point).
What’s the difference between Melbourne and a jar of yoghurt?
At least the jar has some culture!
Culture seems to mean many things to many people. Whever it mean the state should keep its nose out.
Culture is the mechanism by which individuals network with others to pursue elements of the Meaning of Life. We want the State to define the Meaning of Life as little as possible.
Quite right, Alan! Monty Python have already told us all about the Meaning of Life, so there is nothing left for the state to do, anyway!
But it’s just a special case of a general truism, isn’t it?
Government can’t be trusted with anything important.
Give the government control of farming and you’ll starve.
Give the government control of money and you’ll be broke.
Give the government control of education and you’ll learn nothing.
etc. etc. etc.
A very good comment from NickM – thank you for bringing it to people Brian.
simple and to the point…it’s one line we have not OFFICIALLY crossed yet but any day now…