El socialismo es contra la prosperidad.
– Instapundit flags up an aspect of the Tea Party that doesn’t fit the one party media narrative.
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Samizdata quote of the dayEl socialismo es contra la prosperidad. – Instapundit flags up an aspect of the Tea Party that doesn’t fit the one party media narrative. October 17th, 2010 |
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All Latin American countries do have some free-market semi-libertarian think tanks (look up Hernan de Soto, or Mario Vargas LLosa). They don’t get much media exposure.
They also have a pro-business, conservative sector.
And don’t forget Chile – it had the most radical free market revolution of the 20th century (under Pinochet), and is the most economically advanced and sane country to this day, even after 20 years of center-left rule, which kept the and enhanced the free-market reforms.
We’ve had Eastern European and Cuban refugees as speakers at the tea parties here in Temecula (southern California). These people really don’t want what they risked so much to escape to follow them here.
Of course, those latinos who fled to the US aren’t the ones who were the most tolerant toward the socialist regimes in Latin America.
The legal hispanic immigrants tend to be anti socialist Jacob – they had to go through a long process (or undertake military service) in order to come to American and be citizens.
The illegals tend to have rather different political opinions – “social justice” opinions much the same as the academics and journalists who love them so much. Clue – if I just turned up (illegally) there would be no campaign to “let Paul stay”.
Why not? Because my political opinions are not in accord with the people who organize such campaigns – and I would not violate American law in the first place by turning up illegally (think about the mind set of someone who does – and then goes on various protests waving the Mexican flag and demanding X,Y, Z, benefits as “rights”).
However, the basic point is valid – it is not someone’s ethnic origin that matters, it is their loyality. There are plenty of Lily White American citizens whose forefathers came over centuries ago who are traitors to the very core of their being (the Ivy League is full of them – as is the MSM).
As you know America is not a few lines drawn on a map. Unlike (for example) Australia, the United States has no “natural borders”.
America is an IDEA – people are either loyal to that idea or they are not. That is all that matters – race and so on are of no importance.