[Ken Loach sees his] “…role to be critical, to be challenging, to be rude, to be disturbing…”
Soooo…when Ken Loach makes a movie about Islam?
– Commenter Lucklucky
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Samizdata quote of the day
Soooo…when Ken Loach makes a movie about Islam? – Commenter Lucklucky October 16th, 2010 |
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Yes Mr Loach is a phony – he pretends to be a rebel, but in reality is just an establishment leftist who makes films he knows will get him praise from the critics (who are also all leftists).
There are honourable leftists (there really are) who will attack evil people like the “Prophet” Muhammed – but Mr Loach is not one of them.
Going back to film critics – they really are beyond a joke now. And it is not just critics on the BBC and other places where one would expect them to be leftists.
For example the film critic of the Daily Telegraph (Sadhu or some such) just writes political propaganda and passes it off as film reviews.
And the film critic of “Classic F.M.” (a private radio station devoted to music) just automatically praises any leftist film – even Wall Street II, which even most of the establishment leftists accepted was utterly boring.
hahaha.ken loach is as establishment as it gets – basically all his film preach to the politically correct/multiculturalist choir.
more and more ordinary british men and women are seeing the leftist propoganda machine (such as ken Loaches films) for what they are and recognising the great danger this country faces from Islam. Just watch the recent english defence league demonstrations to see that people have had enough of islamist scum
There is actually some hope, if Geert Wilders is acquitted and receives an apology.
The prosecution calling for the case to be dismissed!
A window of opportunity for reality?
Perhaps Mr Loach might even come to the party if it became popular enough.
I imagine Mr Loach wishes to continue to enjoy his agreeable lifestyle, financed by his films criticising the capitalist system, rather than risk dying on the street, choking on his own blood, like Theo van Gogh. Terror works.
At the Oscars every year there is a section that notes the deaths of people in the film business (internatinally) over the year.
Theo van Gogh was left out – the Hollywood types feared to offend Muslims.