Godwin doesn’t apply where people really are laughing along about exterminating their opponents.
– House of Dumb. I agree. It’s okay to call people nazis if they did it first.
Samizdata quote of the dayGodwin doesn’t apply where people really are laughing along about exterminating their opponents. – House of Dumb. I agree. It’s okay to call people nazis if they did it first. 18 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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Time to move on, methinks. And up?
The House of Dumb blog points out, rightly, that the blogsphere has reacted to this much, much faster than the supposed official voices of the Right. The Conservative Party, currently examining its collective navel at its annual party conference, has not, as far as I know, kicked up much of a stink. But then iDave has made Greenery part of his appeal, hasn’t he? And he has not just refined long-standing and entirely credible Tory traditions of conserving certain things (which sits quite well with some entirely defensible Green arguments), but has also enthusiastically embraced much of its agenda.
I’d be interested to see what, say, Zac Goldsmith, darling of the Tory-Green movement, has to say about this appalling video.
Oh, and remind me never to knowingly watch a Richard Curtis film every again. Hard to believe he once made BlackAdder.
Is there an equivalent of Godwin’s law for those occasions when you want to compare Richard Curtis to the Khmer Rouge?
Godwin’s law was originally normative: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.”
A corollary is that any group of statists will eventually act in a way that invites comparisons to Nazis, which is what happened here.
And these greenies, showing their usual thin skins, have started censoring these parodies with the usual bogus copyright violation claims.
The parodies are going up and down …
Of course Dumb Jon doesn’t like you libertarians eg. here, here or here, so I’m guessing your granting him SQOTD is designed to irritate him further 🙂
Don’t you mean “positive”, as I recall the jargon of this. Normative surely means an “ought” being involved.
My and HoD’s assumed version of Godwin, that you shouldn’t call people nazis, is the normative version of Godwin, is it not?
Who are you tell us when Godwin’s Law can apply or not, that’s exactly the kind of thing Hitler would do.
Am I the one person who’s sick and tired of the %^@%@! “-gate” suffix being appened to every single GD controversy?
As somebody born in 1972, I’m sick and tired of every single event being analyzed through a prism of what happened between the assassination of John Kennedy and the resignation of Richard Nixon.
I’ve gotten thoroughly bored with the “-gate” suffix, too, but I have to admit that “Splattergate” is a pretty clever name.
The parody on “House of Dumb” is clever enough, but I prefer this one posted by Kristopher on another thread.
Laird, thats now kaput.
Well I must say that I do not look forward to the rise of Der Splatterreich.
Oh, and some right wing wacko who was formerly associated with the Special Forces Underground predicted that something like the Splatterfest would happen about a year ago.(Link)
I thought the film was being cynical, showing us how the Greens would like to act against anyone who disagrees with them.
Maybe there’s a Godwin’s law-appropriate alternative to Splattergate?
Somebody’s gotta remix the “No Pressure” video with that famous scene from Downfall.
That’s a pity, davydai, but thanks for calling it to my attention. Remarkable cowardice by the people at YouTube. I hope it finds another home.
The only thing you need to defeat Greenshirts with are the facts. Is it true that forecasters believe that Britain is heading into another cold winter, just like last year? Maybe you should be celebrating AGW- for delaying the next Ice Age!
All the videos and parodies can be found here:
The ‘Dictator’s Cut’ parody is very grim but utterly on the money.