I would count clubbing as not lost time too, if I had done any. I haven’t. Not even one seal.
– Guy Herbert.
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Samizdata quote of the day
September 20th, 2010 |
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Yes that sounds like our Guy alright 😀
I have not either.
A moral problem – would I be prepared to club a baby seal to death, if this was the only way I could avoid spending an evening in a modern night club?.
I hope I never have to find out.
And that sounds like our Paul, haha
I’m sure you’ve seen this:
What a lovely fur coat! Where can I get one? 😉
So, this baby seal walks into a club…
I first thought Guy was talking about glow sticks, loud electronic music and lots and lots of dilated pupils. I have to say that’s a lot more fun than beating seals about the place.
Paul wins the coat, and Guy is a softy.
Sunfish: it reminds me of this old Russian anecdote, where a little kid says “I scratched myself on a cat.”
James Waterton: I suppose “fun” is a relative thing; what you’ve just described would be my idea of hell.
“I have to say [that going to a nightclub is] a lot more fun than beating seals about the place.”
No it isn’t.
Given the choice, I’d far rather go about getting The Mrs. a decent ingredient for a winter coat than visit one of these modern-day Circles of Hell.
I dont go clubbing much anymore, certainly not since the smoking ban, well you can smell the people now cant ya?
I do go seal watching though, down on the Pembrokeshire coast. Very beautiful.
Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!
Tried what? Jumping up and down listening to DJ Sir Remix-a-Lot cranking out something at 500 beats per minute while wearing a Dr. Seuss hat while wondering why the X’s tasted like breath mints and haven’t kicked in yet?
(Not to be confused with launching myself into other people while loaded on 3.2 beer and listening to four guys trying to be Pantera or Seputura, and failing. Which pretty much defined college for me.)
“In Soviet Russia, baby seal clubs you!” (I was originally thinking “In Soviet Russia, cat scratches you!” but that would have made no sense at all.)
“In Soviet Russia, man bites man”…no wait, that was in Vegas…
Yep, my choice of “clubbing” would involve a large stick and a skinning knife too.
I suspect the police might get upset about me carrying a skinning knife and club though town though, so I’d probably have to go with the seals. 🙂