I came across this article, which reads like a plotline from a Robert Ludlum thriller. Gloriously bonkers.
(H/T, David Thompson).
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Climate change as a “weapon”?I came across this article, which reads like a plotline from a Robert Ludlum thriller. Gloriously bonkers. (H/T, David Thompson). August 27th, 2010 |
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If you want real crazy, read the comment sections. It’s amazing just how matter-of-fact some people can be with theories that are completely frigging insane.
Does one really need to read any further?
Has anyone told Phil Jones and the Motley CRU, and the railway engineer at the IPCC about this?
They may as well shut up shop right now, cos it’s the evil Yankee Igors what’s doing all the Climate Change!
Yes Alisa, political scientist. Rigorous field that! Though I have it on good authority that Lord Mandelson was grown in a test tube.
Makes me feel like a minor henchman in a Bond movie. Cool.
Mr. Areshev is a deputy director of the “Strategic Culture Foundation”. Ponder those three words in combination. Do they have any meaning? (Other than to a Deconstructionist, anyway?)
Still, I wish the US were clever enough to figure out how to manipulate the climate (or at least the weather) sufficiently to use it as a weapon, and I wish we were competent enough to carry it off in secret. If only.
RAB: Now THERE’S a conspiracy I can believe in!
For anyone curious and/or masochistic enough.
The Canadians take it seriously, I’m sorry to say.
If I’d known you like this sort of thing I have an in-basket full of people warning me, or asking for my help, about conspiracies possibly even bonkerser. Like the one where the BP oil spill is the result of Obama testing US “seismic weapons” prior to an attack on Iranian and Venezuelan oil reserves.
Interesting, Alisa. Thanks for the link.
Sorry, just really wanted to use the word:-)
Laird: a minute with our friend Google, is all.
Sounds like someone is trying to wake up remnants of the Cold War and make it a bit hotter.
My dear mom remembered toddlers dragging around a doll with a noose around it’s neck.
They called it playing the Kaiser.
I have to object to your calling Ludlum’s thrillers “gloriously bonkers,” or gloriously anything else. ‘Contrived’, yes. ‘Technologically ignorant’, yes. “Contemptuous of the craft’, yes. And unread by me after two of his books.
The rest of the world disagrees with me in this, but the rest of the world is wrong.
Wasn’t this what HAARP was supposed to accomplish? I remember hearing all sorts of conspiracy theories in the 90’s claiming it was going to be used to engage in weather warfare by heating the air in strategic places to create torrential storms in some places and fatal droughts in others.
Russians are so paranoid, all the best UFO stories come from there now.
Come on that piece about Canadians was from 1996 and it was the CBC, the communist broadcasting corp
HAARP is to techno-conspiricists what the Knights Templar are to Illuminati-ism; the essential keystone to a lunatic argument. It is designed to do research in bouncing signals off the ionosphere, but is blamed for everything from the downing of TWA 800 to the Gulf War Syndrome. I started to watch the Canadian TV piece, but when Tesla was mentioned I dropped out. For all his important work, his legacy has been completely hijacked by nutcases.
I note they haven’t mentioned the secret American Earthquake weapon though.
Look who set up Radio Liberty(Link):
That bit was even on the radio news here on Queenslands sunny Gold Coast.
I was sitting in the car wondering why they were transmitting such tripe, and then I thought – Ah, the ABC, of course.
Although, how they square it with their carbon as a pollutant alarmism escapes me.
PersonFromPorlock: Two?
I have a forgiving nature.
I believe that Radio Free Europe (where this nut got his soap box) is still funded by the American taxpayer.
If so – why?
As for the heatwave in Russia – a similar thing happened over a century ago, and there was massive flooding in north east India (now Pakistan) the same year.
Of course that does not disprove the globel warming case.
That should have read north WEST India of course.