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Are you sure this is what you mean?August 21st, 2010 |
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Who Are We?The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling. We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe. CategoriesArchivesFeed This PageLink Icons |
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The building sure looks funny though…
You’ve got to find something to laugh about if you’re knocking about in a beige Ford Sierra that went out of production eighteen years ago; I wonder what the maintenance costs are like for old cars in Eastern Europe.
I am sure the good people at Piese Auto Import can answer that question.
Oooh! Gold star for you Alisa…
In the vicinity of Athens there is a camp-site called “Camping Pisses”.
There is also a “Noplace” in County Durham. It’s not far from “Pity Me”.
I think I claim the prize! But then I think “Wookey Hole” is amusing. Mwaaaahh!!!
Obviously, you haven’t been to this Austrian town.
I have, and someplace have the pictures to prove it. What the article doesn’t mention is that the signs also serve as a notice that, as you’re entering a town, different traffic rules for built-up areas apply. So, they need a sign for when you’re leaving the town, which in Austria and Germany is the name of the town with a slash through it.
I’ve got a picture of me next to that sign too. 😉
I assume that their patrons have historically been of poor eyesight and have had trouble finding the place.
So is this like a comedy whorehouse, where instead of a happy return, you get a private 5 minute stand up act?
“There is also a “Noplace” in County Durham.”
That’ll be what the Stig has for POB in his passport…
‘Stand-up’ as opposed to ‘lie-down’?
A friend currently visiting Romania just posted this pic, which induces a double-take. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mfoord/4920515892/