“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Happy 4th of July to my American friends and relations. This is a good day for all Anglospherists to remember.
Samizdata quote of the day“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” Happy 4th of July to my American friends and relations. This is a good day for all Anglospherists to remember. 16 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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The actual quote appears to be, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Indeed, Scrutineer. And the distinction between the two wordings is lost on some people.
You are dealing with some of the most frighteningly informed people on the Internet here. Expect pedantry.
LOL Cats:-)
While everyone can identify the encroaching police state as the “temporary safety” part of that statement there are disappointingly few who would say the same of socialised medicine or government welfare.
The “safety” we enjoy by the labors of others never seems like a threat, until someone with power takes it away.
I know, Cats:-)
I know, it was a pune.
Whatever the actual words, I appreciate the sentiment.
I think I’ll celebrate by cleaning the guns. There are a few at the back of the safe which have escaped my attention.
Still, apparently a cleaning is in order:-)
I HIGHLY recommend that samizdatistas get thee go to this article on The Daily Kos(Link) arguing IN FAVOR of the 2nd Amendment.
I know, I was shocked too, finally a left liberal who GETS IT.
Thanks for the link, Mike. Good article.
Indeed. In other news: airborne swine sighted.
Happy (if late) Independence Day from me.
As for the Daily Kos article – if someone there understands part of what Independence is about GOOD.
I have now read the Daily Kos article.
Interesting how the writer uses the word “liberal” – clearly he has not got the memo that it now means “socialist”, but then neither have a lot of other people.
After all most liberals (outside universities) still do not think “hate speech” should be banned. So the word “liberal” does not yet mean “totalitarian collectivist”.
Interestingly Barack Obama does not call himself a “liberal” – he calls himself a “Progressive”. The Daily Kos article simply would not work if the writer wrote stuff like “as Progressives we believe in the Bill of Rights and ……”
Of course I doubt even the writer would accept the full Bill of Rights (including the Ninth and Tenth Amedments – although he does mention them) as (for example) the Tenth Amendment stands against the various government handout and “insurance” (disguised hand out) policies in which modern “liberals” believe. So modern liberals are hardly like (for example) the Liberal Republican Party of 1872 (with its free enterprise set of principles).
However, the article is a useful reminder that libertarians and conservatives can sometimes (on some issues) make common cause with some modern liberals.
With self indentified Progressives (people who believe the U.S. Constitution is “outdated” and we need to “evolve” away from the view that individual rights are a check on government – i.e. the whole Woodrow Wilson totalitarian dream) no such cooperation is possible.