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A medal for liberty goes to, er, Tony BlairJuly 1st, 2010 |
![]() 13 comments to A medal for liberty goes to, er, Tony Blair |
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I’m sure he will deserve it and treasure it just as much as a Nobel Peace Prize winner does.
Life imitates The Onion
About time that Mr. Blair got the recognition he deserves. The fact that he has never received the Nobel Peace Prize is scandalous.
What about the freedom to do whatever you feel like, and get away with it, regardless of the consequences? Maybe that’s what the medal is for.
Young Mr. Brown: and he’d only have to walk across the Channel…
I see the proposed ID cards (that many average Brits would go for) as being a nasty totalitarian tool. But what is the Computer data base linked with National Insurance numbers ?
Yes, a control freak, but what else is a politician ?
Almost his worst crime is imitating a Conservative and seducing average moderate sanity Brits back into voting in the Labour Party in 1997. But he never could have done that if the Tories hadn’t given it away in 1993.
Besides those, what has he actually done that is so bad, besides having been a normal hypocrite career politician (all of them +/-).
It’s not so much that people actually award “prizes” such as this to such utter unworthy cunts, I have wearily become resigned to this, what with Obama getting a Peace Prize before his bum has properly warmed the Oval office chair even, and that love and peace hippie Arafat getting the same.
No it’s that the bastards can actually accept them with a straight face, and actually believe they deserve them.
I’m a little confused though. Does the Twat get a medal, and £100,000 ? or did the medal cost £100,000? If the latter, I could knock one up out of bullets removed from dead soldiers and bits of recycled snatch Land Rovers for £50,000 tops.
Probably get a Green Nobel myself!
Still every little helps, eh Tone? Afternoons shopping at Harrods sorted for the misses.
Now if there was a prize for honesty and humility, well my vote goes to this dude…
well, he DID boost the chances of the LIBERal Democrats. Does that count as helping LIBERty?
Liberty Medal; doubtless named after the USS Liberty. Awards to war criminals: You have to go back to 1973 when Henry Kissinger accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, for a comparable example of ineptitude and mind-numbing intensively. You will doubtless recall that Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho declined his award on the entirely justified grounds that there was no peace in his country. Keep in mind Bill Clinton heads the US National Constitution Center.
But no chance Blair will decline his medal, not when the prize includes a $100,000 sweetener.
John B – May I mention the strange death of Dr David Kelly, which case, in all its bizarreness, has just been reopened.
I suppose one would be surprised if security services didn’t get up to such things occasionally in covert war situations. What would be surprising is if the event made its way into MSM. If it did I would be inclined to ask, what is someone really up to?
If one defines “liberty” the way neocons do (and it seems that, in this at least, Bill Clinton is a neocon) then the award is totally logical.
To a neocon – “liberty” means democracy (in the sense of elections to choose leaders).
This is “liberty” in the “New Freedom” sense of President Woodrow Wilson – “liberty” as representative democracy, not liberty as limits on government power (that was the “old freedom”).
And Mr Blair helped spread representative democracy to many nations.
So the award (if one accepts this definition of liberty) makes perfect sense.