If you want an, er, interesting take on the global warming alarmist/doomonger/population-controller mindset, check this out. Not safe for work, well, at least not in some offices I know of.
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Telling it like it isIf you want an, er, interesting take on the global warming alarmist/doomonger/population-controller mindset, check this out. Not safe for work, well, at least not in some offices I know of. March 3rd, 2010 |
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“Interesting” is, I suppose, one word to describe this video (but really, Jim, “genius” is far over the top, even without all those exclamation points). Truthfully, though, I don’t think I could come up with any better term, because I don’t really know what this rant is. It’s certainly not comedy, because there doesn’t seem to be any humor in it. (It is mildly vulgar, which doesn’t offend me, but by itself vulgarity is amusing only to pre-adolescents.) It’s not particularly insightful; neo-Malthusianism certainly isn’t original, and in any event westerners reproducing at less than replacement rates aren’t the problem. “Abortion is green?” Well, yes, I suppose so, from a certain perspective, but then famine is even more so. (I presume that Stanhope is a fan of genocidal African dictators.)
I guess the only vaguely positive thing I can say about the video is that it ridicules the sanctimonious and self-righteous enviro-weenies, which is always a good thing. Unfortunately, Stanhope then spoils it by advocating gratuitous property damage for the purpose of making a political point. Not good; not even intelligent. (Which, based on the limited evidence of this one video, is also how I would characterize Stanhope.) All in all, probably not the best use of 2:45 minutes.
I’m afraid I detect no sarcasm or irony in this rant. I think these are his sincerely-held beliefs. This guy is not commenting on the global warming alarmist/doomonger/population-controller mindset: he is commenting from it. Pretty ugly, if you ask me.
Dearie me, folks. I looked at the video and it seemed to be a pretty good sendup of population control nuttery. I played it to a fairly non-political friend and he got the joke immediately.
Well I “got” it.
I will add one thing. The topic Stanhope is talking about is reffed in certain circles as reproductive justice.
The idea is that a British or US kid has x times the carbon-footprint of a Ugandan one so… If we have to limit population then Mr and Mrs Ugandan ought to be allowed more kids than Mr and Mrs Briton.
It’s baby rationing. It’s also a demented and evil exaltation of poverty as virtue.
It really is an inversion. My view is if you want kids and can afford them then knock yourself out. Their’s is pretty much the opposite.
To me Green as an ideology is probably the most evil widespread belief-system I can think of. I know it sounds all touchy-feely and “nice” but it isn’t. Hitler thought the world would be a better place without Jews. That’s nothing to some of the Greens. They want rid of all of us.
There is something called the voluntary human extiction society or some-such. They sign “no kids” pacts and such. It’s almost risibile but then in the ’20s so was a tooth-brush tashed monorchid ranting in beer halls. We weren’t fucking laughing when he invaded Poland though. My point being they might drop the voluntary when it appears that we are not going to give-up breeding. And we’re not. We live in a world where people will go to extraordinary lengths to have a kid. IVF not coming cheap and all.
Just one final point. I’d be a majority shareholder in Dale Amon’s Mars shot if I’d had a quid for everytime I’ve heard this Green trope:
“But if we settle other planets we’ll only screw them up like this one.”
Just think of that. It’s saying (a) we have screwed this planet up and I refute them by the view out of my window and (b) that we are incorrigible. Think of it. We ain’t going to be pitching tents round Barnard’s Star anytime soon but still when we do we’ll be just as bad. The only logical conclusion to that is that for ethical reasons we must all die. Total genocide as a morally correct act is beyond belief and that’s how they get away with their salami tactics. It’s a war of attrition, a creeping artillery barrage.
I smoke. I know how they work it.