Every time Labour show a whiff of recovery the pound crashes.
– Guido Fawkes comments on his graph showing that The Market Hates Labour.
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Samizdata quote of the dayEvery time Labour show a whiff of recovery the pound crashes. – Guido Fawkes comments on his graph showing that The Market Hates Labour. March 2nd, 2010 |
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Bloggers have collected over £5,000 so far to get a pub landlord released from prison here
The collapse of sterling, and the probable “buyers’ strike” regarding UK debt, means that this government might even try to reimpose exchange controls. If anyone has sterling assets to spare, get them out of this country. Now.
There is a whiff of the late-70s in the air. Unlike the late 70s, though, the music is crappier, and Ipswich FC have little chance of winning the League.
Whiff of the mid/late 70s?! It reeks !!
I have to turn the reasoning around (survival habit) – perhaps the idea is to crash the pound and thereby reintroduce exchange controls and all that control stuff. And therefore Labour is being somewhat shoed-in?
Freedom has become a dirty word. Took some hard work by the liars, though.
And would not, actually, be that hard to undo. Were not all the kings bankers and all the kings media keeping Dum and Dee at it.
It does not help Her Majesty’s Government to impose exchange controls when HMG needs to Borrow money from foreign marks, in mean investors.
Along those lines, there is a phrase I have seen recently which should be injected into the public discourse every chance we get — Peak Government. Sort of like Peak Oil, only nearer.
Of course, if the Greek economy collapses, then the Euro will be weakened, and the Pound will look good, relatively. So I wonder if they’re hanging on to the Elgin Marbles so as to lessen the attractions of visiting Greece, thus contributing to Greece going down the gurgler?…
Sadly Cameron and little George show no real sign of being any more serious about rolling back out of control government than Mr Brown does.
Big signs of lack of seriousness include the pledge to ringfence NHS spending, but the little signs are worth watching also.
For example, I just watched Mr Gove (a Cameron man) going on about education policy (the Conservative party policy that Chris Woodhead denounced as a fraud – offering no real choice at all, just schools under central government control rather than local government control). What person did M. Gove cite with approval as his inspiration?
The man who just shut down the D.C. voucher system (which did offer parents some choice). And the man who supports political indoctrination in schools (see the Glenn Beck show this comming Friday).
Like most Conservative “activists” (British as well as American – for I do know the Conservatives in my local association, I have been a member for 30 years) I despise Comrade Barack Obama – he represents the “Progressive” political ideology I have spent my life fighting against.
Mr Gove might as well have spat in my face – and the face of every other Conservative in Britain.
And the joke is that Mr Gove is so trapped in the media bubble (spending his life trying to please the BBC and the Guardian – people who WOULD NEVER VOTE CONSERVATIVE) that he does not even know that he has spat in our faces.
Why should I work for the election victory of wild spending, Progressive, “A list” swine?
By the way when even some on the “right” of the Conservative party talk about “social justice” (the guiding principle of Fascists as well as socialists) as if it was a good thing things really seem hopeless.
The idea that income and wealth belong to the collective (to the state – or whatever other word is used) and should be “distributed” to people on the basis of some political rule.
“Jolly good, how Progressive” is the attitude – well yes it is Progressive (and Progressivism is EVIL).
Hayek Volume II of “Law Legislation and Liberty” – the “Mirage of Social Justice” how “social” is a weasel word that sucks the meaning out of concepts (for example instead of the “rule of law” we have the “social rule of law” which sucks out all the defences against the abuses the “rule of law” is supposed to prevent).
Or Oakeshott (the main British Conservative writer of the 20th century) in “On Human Conduct” (and so many other works).
Page 153 On Human Conduct.
And there is, of course, no place in civil association for so-called “distributive justice” [i.e. social justice]; that is, the distribution of desirable substantive goods. Such a “distribution” of substantive benefits or advantages requires a rule of distribution and a distributor in possession of what is to be distributed; but LEX [the Latin word for law – implying the formal concepts of law rather than random legislation] can not be a rule of distribution of this sort, and civil rulers have nothing to distribute.
“But we can change the meaning of “social justice” Paul”.
No you can not – because most of the people who use the term are hard core leftists who know perfectly well what it means.
It you try and use the Guardian readers they will end up using you.