We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

Ho hum! The letter is barking mad but it still needs hours of constructing a careful response, the net effect of which will be the same as two Anglo Saxon words.

– Richard North responds to a lawyers‘ letter in a comment on this posting. My thanks to Bishop Hill for an email that got me noticing this latest twist in the Climategate saga a little sooner than I otherwise would have.

8 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • mdc

    From the website, this law firm seem to be pretty overt left wing activists.

    So why then are they defending a a multi-(m/b?)illionaire sweatshop tycoon?

  • From the website, this law firm seem to be pretty overt left wing activists.

    So why then are they defending a a multi-(m/b?)illionaire sweatshop tycoon?

    I know, I know! Because he is advancing a leftist agenda, and because there is money in it!

  • Tally ho!

    Let the games begin. G’head Doc, sending in the lawyers to hush up a newspaper article about such massive conflicts of interest is CERTAIN to make sure people don’t pay attention to what’s going on.

    Maybe we should be grateful the whole scam is being run by such pompous, arrogant, and stupid twats – if they really had any brains, we’d be in danger of them getting away with the whole AGW scam.

  • Wait, who is he suing, the paper or the blogger? He is only stupid if it’s the latter.

  • John B

    Because socialist finance and corporate finance have an awful lot in common and sometimes are the same people playing the same game just from a slightly different angle. They are both controlled type economic systems and hate free enterprise, genuine, capitalism.
    You want to be free??!!
    Perish the thought, serf.

  • Tanuki

    I’m thinking that the one valid response to such a legal-letter should be the same as that given by the defendant in Arkell v. Pressdram.

  • Paul Marks

    Alisa has beat me to the punch.

  • Nuke Gray

    Has anyone else noticed the cold weather around the globe? Beijing is going through a winter as cold as one 59 years ago. South Korea is also going through a cold patch.
    So is global warming dead? Or are we pleased that, thanks to global warming, things aren’t as cold as they would have been, otherwise? (That might make a great T-shirt- a picture of snow-covered London, with the words ‘Thank God for global warming, or we’d really be freezing!’ Darn, I just gave away a great idea! Oh, well, when you get rich, think of me. At least I haven’t given away my other great idea, a tshirt with ‘NO, I’m NOT Brad Pitt! But don’t feel too bad- everyone makes that mistake!’ I’ll keep that idea to myself…