Hitler finds out Obama lost Massachusetts… hehehe.
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Bad news from the Northern Front, mein FührerHitler finds out Obama lost Massachusetts… hehehe. January 20th, 2010 |
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The Dems are shitting in their pants now-this is the price of believing their own bullshit.
People never tire of playing with that film clip, do they?
But you are repeating myself, renminbi:-)
Having removed from just outside the beltway to Shrewsbury, MA (to mollify my children’s concerns) it was a sign of destiny to be here to vote for Scott Brown.
“mein Führer”, actually.
Perry, I thought you were an “I want the ghastliest statists to win so that the final collapse comes quicker” man?
This is a very amusing result though, yes.
There are regular, significant political re-alignments in American history.
I believe we may very well be in the opening phase of another such upheaval.
In many ways, it is long overdue.
How sweeping it will be will depend on how nimble the various political structures now in place can be in recognizing and responding to the sources of the unrest.
So far, I haven’t seen much sign that the message of the disgruntled electorate is penetrating the intellectual force field that seems to insulate the eastern megalopolis from any realistic interaction with the rest of the actual population of the country.
My innate cynicism leads me to believe that things will get much worse, and much more turbulent, even violent, before these contentious issues are resolved.
I hope the kids are equal to the tasks they face. I’ll be drooling my way through advanced dotage long before any of this business gets straightened out.
Good luck.
The quote from Garrett Garet about FDR, below, is way off topic, being about the New Deal.
The relevance being that it would indicate that the enemies of freedom have things sewn up, and have had for a very long time.
While freedom may burst through from time to time, to win against the deception and control will take tremendous vigilance, honesty and endurance.
“Mr. Flynn says, for example, and it is undoubtedly true, that Mr. Roosevelt’s understanding of economics was immature and that monetary questions confused and bored him. Everyone knew that. Nevertheless a study of the New Deal’s monetary measures may lead one to a startling conclusion. That conclusion may be stated as follows: if there had been a definite revolutionary purpose and if the way of bringing that purpose to pass had been thought out beforehand with extreme intelligence, everything would have happened just as it did.”
Congratulations are in order to the Tea Party protesters. I wonder whether “Joe The Plumber” can be persuaded to run for the White House.
The Republicans, however, need to be careful: the public is annoyed at the bailouts, the economic incompetence; the GoP was in power when some, if not all, of the current fuckups occurred. They mustn’t think that a few tweaks here and there will do.
In other words, they must not think a US “David Cameron” strategy is necessarily going to work.
This item is a refreshing reminder that the US – much to the sadness of the MSM – is still in some ways a country that suspects Big Government. Good.
And this happened on the one year anniversary of Obama’s inauguration, too! Hee hee!
People just love playing around with this clip, don’t they? I’ve seen it used on NBC’s Leno-Conan Situation.
Obama did win, which lead to a Republican winning in Massachusetts… precisely the mechanism I was hoping for… moreover a Republican won who almost never mentioned he was a Republican with remarks like “The independent majority has delivered a great victory”.
This suggests to me that some in the GOP realise how badly they screwed the pooch under Bush. This is a very powerful sign that Big State Republicanism has lost and perhaps, just perhaps, the first glimmer of something better is emerging.
“There are regular, significant political re-alignments in American history.
I believe we may very well be in the opening phase of another such upheaval.”
Every big technological development in communications changes the power structure and politics. Internet is starting to do that.
Last year. I heard a prominent British Conservative recommend that the GOP follow the Cameron model. He also suggested that they prepare themselves for along spell in the political wilderness.
The GOP ignored that advice, and thanks to the Obama team’s desire to turn the US into a slightly larger version of Belgium. Thanks also to the inherent conservatism of the people, a thriving alternative media, and a few good candidates the Republicans are back faster than anyone imagined.
In Massachusetts Scott Brown did not have to mention being a Republican. The Democrats spent a fortune on TV ads telling everyone in the Bay State that he was one of THEM.
I liked the skit – especially the two women telling each other “it [the fit of rage] is just because he cares so much about equal rights”.
And, of course, blaming everything on Rush and Glenn Beck (Glenn Beck does seem to have overtaken Rush as the number one hate figure for the left – the endless lies they throw at him haveing actually gone beyond being offensive and are not just silly).
The left really do think like this – “If only we had followed Mark Lloyd’s advice and taken reactionary television and radio stations off the air – as the wonderful Democratic revolution of Chevez has done…..”
But you leftists did not do it – you did get rid of Fox News (the only television news service you do not control – the others being in the tank for you, as are the vast majority of newspapers and magazines).
Not because you have any moral objection to getting rid of the few dissenting sources of information – you have no such moral objection.
The reason you did not take Fox News off the air (or even move against Rush via the radio stations that broadcast him) was because you are AFRAID.
You know that it would mean blood – kill or be killed.
And you were not willing to risk dying for your beliefs.
Now we know you are afraid – that you will not crush dissent because you fear death in the civil war that would follow.
That you are cowards is an interesting piece of information to have – information that will be used.