Following on from Brian’s post immediately below this one, is what can only be described as an encouraging story by Bloomberg, stating that the chances of a deal being agreed by world leaders in Copenhagen are remote. Excellent if true.
Hopefully, Copenhagen will end in failureFollowing on from Brian’s post immediately below this one, is what can only be described as an encouraging story by Bloomberg, stating that the chances of a deal being agreed by world leaders in Copenhagen are remote. Excellent if true. 20 comments to Hopefully, Copenhagen will end in failure |
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We must hope so. I suppose there will be high-flying words, and low-flying retreat by civil servants over the next few years.
But one more troubling legacy is that of the new recipe for bitterness and enmity amongst the nations. Imagine, every time there’s an inconvenient rain shower as you walk the streets in some distant town, the locals will moan at you for being the cause of it. And their masters will play realpolitik with your government using it. More fun and games to come. All based on fraud. Such a shame.
No! NO! Obama is going to teleport into Hopenhagen. Within minutes of his starting to speak, all the delgates — nay the entire nation of Denmark, even the birds & the bess & the rabbits — will be on their knees, singing Kumbaya, pledging to pay Obama 100% of their income in taxes. The world is saved!
I’m just so cynical that I don’t know what to make out of all of this. We were handed climate issues to give another reason to thugs to be thugs. Not so long ago it was revealed to be BS. Now the thugs are mixing with other thugs, and no surprise, they don’t actually get along. Has it anything to do with the revelations or just simply thugs don’t get along with each other?
Even if climategate has the climate-based control mongers on the run, will it be long before something else is used by these same people? The PEOPLE aren’t going anywhere. Their desire to control isn’t lessened. Those who wish to control don’t get on well with other people who like to control. The only positive I take out of this is that our respective thugs aren’t getting on well so the horror of a World Thug Organization is perhaps still out on the horizon. But the loose syndicate of thugacracies still exist and the screws which they are willing to put their populations to are still at hand. They will drum up some other Hell just around the corner, and when it sells in one Thugistan it will spread. And it will be used to keep people in line. And the thugs will continue to fight and struggle and make nice-nice with each other when it suits them and they will continue to enslave us.
Maybe I’m just having a bad day.
I was SO looking forward to Gordon’s speech about how he personally saved the planet from relentless warming – just as the UK was covered in relatively rare pre-Christmas snow.
Fear not, something will be saved: an important agreement so vague it can mean anything will be taken home by the players and used to justify whatever they want it to.
Brad, that’s why I want the World Thug Organisation, occupying prime real estate on Manhattan’s East Side, razed to the ground and left as a brownfield site, to detoxify, for three or four years. Then I would love to see a giant condominium for really rich people go up on the site, with its magnificent views over the East River. I also advise not just luxury underground parking with comfortable overnight quarters for chauffeurs, but a really lot of helicopter parking on the roof. For rich people. Who are rich on their own account.
The African countries could raise some money for their economy flights home by selling off their limousines, paid for by the World Bank or whatever, before vacating the premises.
Were I rich enough to afford helicopters and chauffeurs, I still wouldn’t buy an apartment there Verity – knowing what came before it would give me the creeps!
I wonder- are the people of Copenhagen called copenhags, or Copenhaggards?
Mike, that’s why I recommended three to four years as a toxic waste site, to detoxify. My remarks were not unmeasured.
I mean, you’ve got to give the site a break. It was not its fault! It was a victim!
Three or four years’ detox, and then let that site fulfill its destiny. Luxury underground parking and helipads with express, private (energy-consuming) lifts to the condos below.
Major 24-hour security giving employment opportunities. Nice maids’ quarters. Helicopters coming and going for people who don’t want to be caught in Manhattan traffic.
In fact, everything the Third World bloodsuckers were planning for themselves.
But for rich people spending their own money.
Nuke gray: Hopenhockey(stick)s?
WARNING! Politically incorrect joke ahead!
Q. How many polar bears does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None, so who cares if they do all drown!??
This link is to a Copenhagen negotiator who seems endearingly pessimistic…….enjoy.
“…that’s why I recommended three to four years as a toxic waste site, to detoxify. “
Treaties, meetings, UN accords too,
Boil them in an east-side goo.
Forget not the politicians red or blue,
What a Gorey noxious stew!
Sorry, I don’t know what came over me there.
Copenhagen has shown the ‘global warming’ idea for what it is – an excuse for collectivist thought. The empirical evidence for any sort of warming, anthropogenic or otherwise, is dwindling, and this has not caused a stir amongst the believers. Rather, the Wizard of Gore continues to sell indulgences and Moonbat despairs of ever advancing the watermelon cause. The UN and poorer countries are desperately trying to shake down the more productive countries and institutions while they still can.
If there was any truth to this, world leaders would have teleconferenced with economists and scientists, and worked out a technological fix. Instead, they’ve flown in for a junket and spend all the time discussing rent seeking and taxes.
A pox on all their houses.
If you haven’t seen it, CFACT has been kulturjamming Greenpeace at Copenhagen, hanging banners on the Rainbow Warrior that read “Propaganda Warrior” and “Ship of Lies” draped on the Arctic Sunrise earlier in the day.
Heartwarming stuff. It now looks like the talks are going to collapse with everybody blaming everybody else and John Q. Taxpayer breathing a hefty sigh of relief (until HMRC sends out next year’s bills, of course).
I’m off to crack open a Carlsberg.
Brad, I don’t think you’re being cynical at all.
And Nick, in the same vein, I don’t hold with this:
Would that be before or after they worked out technological fixes for cancer, mugging, and the naughty ingratitude of their citizens?
The truth or merit of any given subject is, at best, orthogonal to the thugocracy’s stated opinion of it. They are bullshitters, and as such can’t even be relied upon as barometers of falsehood. The one thing we can wager on is that we are better off without their ‘solution’ to almost any given problem, whether it be real or imaginary.
The Essexing-up of the Russian data is an actual coin in the scales against the AGW consensus. The blatherings at Copenhagen are merely the sound of coins slipping into politicians’ pockets, and convey no scientific information of any kind.
They are junketing, bullshitting, and pickpocketing because those are their skills, and that is what they do.
Gray, I agree, but the point I was trying to make was that flying from all over the world to try to manage global warming would be like having a smokeathon to cure cancer…otherwise you’re spot on.
This is why I call myself Nuke, instead of Nick- too much competition! Do you see now, Alisa?