Finally some meaningful gestures I think we can all support…
Simply… delightful.
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At last, action on global warming that makes senseDecember 20th, 2009 |
![]() 9 comments to At last, action on global warming that makes sense |
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I’m a bit of a bullshitter myself, but it’s always nice to hear from experts…
There is a fabulous old newsreel that was recorded, I believe, either at the funeral of Queen Victoria or the coronation of her successor.
All the royalty of Europe, and much of the rest of the world as well, gathered with their gaudy uniforms and plumed hats, their swords, jewels, and matrons all in their finest gowns.
They totter around in that herky-jerky silent movie style that makes them look like some kind of odd, feathered weebles, walking in procession, getting in and out of their beautiful horse drawn carriages—all the power and glory of the world, parading for their peers, and lording it over all those poor peasants who could never aspire to such lofty heights.
When I look at the photos of the new Tranzi elites gathered in Hopenchangen, preening for the cameras, mingling importantly with all the other important people, I am reminded of those old, prancing grandees, doddering around on what were, unbeknownst to them, very literally their last legs.
In a few years, all the glorified inhabitants of “The Proud Tower” were swept away, as the eagles fell, and the idiocy of the autocrats ushered in the calamity that was most of the 20th century.
Will this latest collection of “nobles” fare any better?
No, their fate is already sealed, as reality once again begins to overtake ideology. The only questions are:
How long will they drag this dans macabre out?
How much damage can they do as they exit?
The bejeweled, inbred idiots in whose footsteps they are following managed to plunge the world into what can only be described as a century long nightmare, replete with assorted monsters and demons.
This current crop of licentious pervs, whose only true aphrodisiac is power, power, and more power, will certainly attempt as much damage, if not more, than their long dead role-models.
Just as they leapt to their feet to applaud their heroes Chavz and Mugabe, their actions betray their fine words, and the fleets of jets and limos are the only the most obnoxious artifacts of their flagrant hypocrisy.
What can stop them, then, in their drive to own the world?
Only those whose freedom is not for sale at any price.
Only those willing to pledge their lives and their sacred honor.
The pressures will be tremendous on all to conform, to go along, to join the concensus.
At such times, it is well to remember that it is unbearable pressure which transforms ordinary, base carbon into diamonds.
Well said, Very.
A brilliant observation. I suspect I’ll remember what you wrote for the rest of my life. It really does deserve a much wider audience.
Thank you very much for your kind remarks. I appreciate very much the indulgence offered by this site and its readers to an old man who has a tendency to go on a bit on occasion.
Perry, the little practical hypocrisies are only a manifestation of the huge moral contradictions involved in AGW activism. These people hate the West – the most sincere are really nihilists – but constantly appeal to Western or even Christian moral ideals (public-mindedness, charity, renunciation) to threaten the apocalypse on the rest of us.
But you can’t appeal to values that have brought you to the eve of doomsday. It’s a moral double-bind, and I don’t know how one offsets that…
See “The moral contradictions of global warming politics”:
***What can stop them, then, in their drive to own the world?
Only those whose freedom is not for sale at any price.
Only those willing to pledge their lives and their sacred honor.
The pressures will be tremendous on all to conform, to go along, to join the concensus.
At such times, it is well to remember that it is unbearable pressure which transforms ordinary, base carbon into diamonds. ***
The question still is which path to follow – Thoreau or Princip? Or is it the unbearable pressure that turns Thoreau’s into Princip’s?
“The question still is which path to follow – Thoreau or Ethan Allen?”
Tidied. Why Princip?