We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

From the file pl_decline.pro: check what the code is doing! It’s reducing the temperatures in the 1930s, and introducing a parabolic trend into the data to make the temperatures in the 1990s look more dramatic.

– Recycled to a separate posting today by ClimateGate blogstar Bishop Hill from among the comments on his earlier and ever expanding posting entitled The code. The Bishop adds: “Could someone else do a double check on this file? Could be dynamite if correct.”

9 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • Johnathan

    “Houston, we have a problem…..”

    This whole saga goes from bad to worse. I saw a BBC Newsnight item on this. The MSM are starting to

  • mezzrow

    Eric Raymond is on this as well. See his evisceration (part 1) here:

    Armed and Dangerous

    I love this comment –

    Commented: Wait just a second. Explain this to me like I’m 12. They didn’t even bother to fudge the data? They hard-coded a hockey stick carrier right into the program?!!

    ESR says: Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what they did.

  • mezzrow

    Dang. here’s the link.

    Eric’s blog: (Link)

  • John B

    I hope Jonathan is correct.
    From my watching of TV this evening it seems that the beliefs regarding Global Warming are exactly the same as before.
    I do know that the truth can be very successfully buried when those who decide what is “News” have a mind to do so. I have this feeling that one way or another it is getting buried.
    There is possibly a trend developing of: “Oh stop carping and wasting time. We’ve got a planet to save!”
    Entrenched vested interests never give up without a serious fight.
    This story must break out of the blogoshere to survive.

  • John B

    If it were up to the British mainstream media to decide this, I fear your pessimism would be justified. But the internetted USA is now ablaze with this story, and Fox News, now rather a big deal (yes?), is all over it. Better yet, a US Senator by the name of James Inhofe is doing some serious heavyweight politics with this. So, if America counts, and I think it does, this story has already contrived to “break out of the blogosphere”.

    See this report for a bit more, from (admittedly) a mere blogger, but with a mainstream enterprise, the Telegraph.

    Britain is now really quite full of people who understand about these bloggy things, and who know how to read American newspaper reports and look at American YouTubery. The rank and file of the Conservative Party is very pissed off with their leaders about this, and in the mood to vote UKIP in quite large numbers, enough to really hurt Cameron. UKIP being, if I recall correctly what UKIP brother Toby told me when last we met, the one British political party to have backed the right horse in this race, although maybe the BNP has also. The official Conservative websites are in a blue funk about this, apparently.

    Anyway, I would be rather surprised (as well as very angry) if the mainstream media succeeded in burying this.

  • I have to say that all this is quite exciting. Normally I am not the gloating type, but even I cannot help it this time. These arrogant bastards finally got caught red-handed, and it’s a good enough reason to smile. Obviously, they’ll come up with some other scare in a year or two, life does go in cycles after all – but this doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy it once in a while.

  • James

    Brian, the BNP talk about fighting “global warming”. I guess that makes UKIP the only game in town.

  • John B

    Thanks very much, Brian. Sorry to be somewhat alarmist. I’m afraid past experience with MSM has left me to fear the worst. It is quite amazing that something is getting past the “powers-that-be” re-interpretation machine.

  • Flicking through the news channels last night i found Russia Today devoting rather a large amount of time to the story.