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Obvious and direct solutions to Tory inaction on the EU

Inexplicably many seem to have been surprised by Dave Cameron’s predictable backtrack on confronting the EU’s constant slow motion power grab… however even those credulous enough to have not sussed Cameron’s weathervane nature ages ago are now getting the message loud and clear.

After abandoning plans to hold a referendum on Europe, following last week’s ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, Mr Hague said the Tories accepted that constitutional reform would not be on the EU agenda for some years.

The solutions are actually quite obvious and straightforward:

1. simply do not vote for a Cameron-lead Tory party as a vote for them is a vote for more of the same. Vote UKIP instead. This could mean Cameron will win anyway (which means we get more of the ways things are now but at least does not reward the Tories for being BlueLabour) or Labour wins again (which means we get more of the way things are now). Either way it makes sense to vote UKIP.

2. get rid of the disastrous Cameron, who is in effect the UK version of the disastrous George Bush (i.e. a nominal ‘conservative’ who will continue to expand the state) and get a Tory leader who has some balls and at least a modicum of principle.

This is not rocket science, it is just stating th bloody obvious. Hague’s Cameron mouthpiece statement is already setting up the Tory party for a lengthy period of doing nothing meaningful on the issue of the EU. Anyone who thinks “constitutional reform would not be on the EU agenda for some years” does not mean “constitutional reform will not be on the EU agenda ever” is a jackass and I have no interest in even debating with them.

Either… clean house within the Tory Party and get rid of Cameron… or vote UKIP. Voting for a party under a jackanapes like Cameron makes no sense at all, unless the current state of affairs is actually what you want.

7 comments to Obvious and direct solutions to Tory inaction on the EU

  • “..a Tory leader who has some balls and at least a modicum of principle.”

    They tried that – Iain Duncan Smith – they murdered him.

  • John K

    So the Conservatives elect a PR man with no fixed political beliefs to be their leader, and only now they’re surprised? How touching.

  • permanentexpat

    Vote for UKIP???…you mean the honest party???…Duh!

  • Paul Marks

    Hard though it may be to believe now, Mr Cameron presented himself as an anti E.U. person during the Conservative Party leadership campaign.

    The M.P. for my town (Kettering) decided that Mr Cameron was not a man to be trusted and supported David Davis.

    I take no pleasure in stating that this judgment, that Mr Cameron could not be trusted, was correct.

    I maintain the opinion i have expressed before – ask your Conservative candidate for written assurances on these E.U. matters.

    If the reply is “I can not go against the leadership” then, indeed, there is no point in voting for the Conservative candidate – regardless of whether this “lets the other side in”.

    However, just sitting at home may be mistaken for “apathy” – therefore one should get off one’s backside and vote for the UKIP candidate (against a Cameron type), even if the UKIP candidate has “no chance of winning”.

  • James

    There is an alternative. Preventing the Conservatives from winning at the next election seems pretty much impossible, but a concentrated effort by every right-leaning blog focussed on a single liberty-loving independent in Witney might just avoid the disaster of a Cameron led government.

  • Nuke Gray

    If they did replace Cameron, who would be the leader? do the Cons have principled people, or does the screening process get rid of them?

  • MarkE


    I live in Witney and my current overseas job (which limits what I can do at home) will end before the next election: if such a candidate stands they will have my vote (and probably that of Mrs MarkE), plus a quantity of my shoe leather, which I shall happily use canvassing for them.