Maybe they awarded him the gong for his attempts to shut up Islamic terrorists, etc, by the power of endlessly talking about himself. You never know, there may be something in it.
The Community Organiser’s NobelMaybe they awarded him the gong for his attempts to shut up Islamic terrorists, etc, by the power of endlessly talking about himself. You never know, there may be something in it. 41 comments to The Community Organiser’s Nobel |
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They gave the bloody thing to Al Gore, but this is ridiculous. At least Fat Al had made a movie, all the Big O has done is fail to win the Olympics. Who would have thought that the International Olympic Committee, of all people, would have more moral integrity than the Nobel Prize Committee? We live in strange times.
It is the lack of hope in this world that drives so many desperate souls to bigotry, violence, and terror.
Barack Obama has now struck a telling blow against this, by giving literally billions of plain people across the globe a ray of hope that – without any elitist demands for actual diplomatic achievement on their parts! – a genuine Nobel Peace Pony may yet be theirs.
When, next year, he finally resolves the Middle East conflict, and is borne shoulder-high through Jerusalem by an ecstatic crowd as Netanyahu and Abbas lead a mass conga round the Temple Mount, we shall just have to give it to him twice.
Unless he fails, in which case I guess it can always go to Paris Hilton.
I believe it’s been awarded under the little-known “you go girl!” clause – it’s not for what he’s done, more for what they hope he might do.
Either that or Bush has so lowered the bar that merely not being Bush is enough to get you the prize. Actually that doesn’t sound too unlikely…
Talk about Affirmative Action!
“Well done little black boy! You beat the nasty old Bush in an election! And you make such pretty speeches”
They gave it to Al Gore and Jimmy Carter. They had at least done stuff. Not necessarily good stuff, but stuff. This one makes me wonder what the Norwegians are smoking.
Kevin, he didn’t beat Bush.
And Al Gore hasn’t done stuff. Not stuff remotely related to the pursuit of world peace, anyhow.
Who did Reuters quote as critic? Er, Hamas. No bias there then. The old trick of choosing an extreme critic to boost the credibility of the attacked. If Hamas are criticising him, he must be good, etc etc.
In America, we are enjoying the humor. Here’s what I shared with the Committe in Oslo:
Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee-
Thank you for the continuing political satire! Brilliant to make our failed President your world hero! Take him-PLEASE.
I come from Norwegian-American stock in the heartland of the US. We used to tell about Norwegian stupidity through “Sven and Ole” jokes. Thank you, dear committee. Now there is no excuse not to set “Sven and Ole” in Oslo, Norway!
Our national political satire program on Saturday nights, called “Saturday Night Live” (giving the world stars like Bill Murray and Mike Myers), now has a new angle: a Peace Prize Award too funny to believe as comedy – but now made REAL. Uffda!
Only in Norway, now!
In the midst of a painful recession only He could prolong, you bring us the joy of an endless butt of humor!
-Orson Olson
Here in New Zealand pretty much everyone hated Bush and is in love with Obama, but even the most “liberal” people I know are saying this evening “wtf? What has Obama done to deserve that?”
A lot of jokes here about how Bush was so bad that now you can get a Nobel just for not being him.
I’ve just been on Google Wave asking what it is people like about Obama. I said all I can see are speeches and the fact he’s not Bush.
Sample of replies:
“I think the speech in Cairo in itself deserved a Peace Nobel Prize”
“Honestly, a good deal of it is contrast. If you haven’t had anything to drink in a few days, water tastes like the best thing on Earth.”
“so far he has really shown a great deal of intentions that aim in a direction that is more “community” like, with a focus on co-operating and discussing things before acting.”
“I’d say that it has a lot more to do with his openness to discuss international issues with other nations, as well as his intended plan to clean up some of the possible abuses of the previous administration.”
Intentions, speeches, and not being Bush, then.
Plus he supports communist totalitarians in Honduras and the killing of Iranian dissenters. How much more deserving could he be?
What a farce.
Has anyone come across anything remotely resembling a good argument, from anyone, for this ludicrous decision? I ask in all seriousness. What the hell were they thinking? What are the names of the idiots who made this decision? They need to be hung out to dry.
How soon before people start turning down the Nobel Peace Prize on account of it being farcical? (Has anyone already done this?) And how long before the real Nobel Prizes start to become polluted?
And no I didn’t mean literature.
It seems we have the Norwegian Parliament to thank for choosing the cretins in question:
“… a Committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament (Storting) for the Nobel Peace Prize.”
So, who were these five idiotic persons?
It reminds me a bit of the Polanski ruckus. Time was when regular people couldn’t chase up things like this, and tell the people in question they’re arseholes. Now, we can.
Yes, me. It will promote population reduction by causing millions to roll on the floor laughing their progenitive equipment off.
After the laughter dies down over the absurdity of this award (can some please confirm that this announcement wasn’t released by The Onion), let’s consider how this is going to complicate Obama’s decision on what to do in Afghanistan. How is our vaunted Nobel Peace Prize laureate now suppose to respond to McCrystal’s request for 40,000 troops?
Quite right. Big mistake to accept this idiot gong. How the hell can a conscientious Commander in Chief, with three more years to go. do anything so barking mad?
This man is making Jimmy Carter look like a capable president.
I don’t think the prestige of the science prizes (Physics, Chemistry, and Medicine) is in great danger. They have this prestige in the first place because they have been very consistently given to the right people, and everybody knows this. The Peace price (and sometimes the literature prize) has from time to time been given to twats for quite a while now, but this has not affected the prestige of the science prizes. From my non-expert but interested in these fields point of view, it appears that the winners of all three of these awards were once again exemplary choices this year.
The science prizes are in more danger of diluted in importance by the Bank of Sweden Economics Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel, which purports to be a something like a scientific Nobel Prize but actually isn’t. I doubt even that matters much though. That it has been awarded to charlatans a bit too often is pretty widely known.
The Ig-Nobel committee obviously needs to amend their awards to include something special for the Nobel board. A feat of this magnitude deserves some sort of special recognition. Very special.
Short bus special.
He has been awarded the ‘Peace’ prize for is efforts to topple the greatest obstacle (the US and its Constitution) to one world collectivist thuggery.
The fact that they gave it to him this year is a good sign since it means they realize he will fail and it is now or never. Call it a consolation prize like the Algore received.
It is a pretty sickening display by Norwegians. People have said that Norway is an example that oil doesn’t have to destroy a country. But it didn’t take long for them to turn into a hands-out gimme brigade. The representatives they elected and the selection committee those representatives seated is well on board with the campaign to destroy liberty and put redistributionist thugs in control. This was just a token of their approval.
I had to go and look this up on Google news to verify it; I saw it mentioned here first and it sounded exactly like deadpan political satire, the sort of mock news story the Onion do in their more serious moments. I think I need a couple of days to absorb the idea that something this silly has happened in the real world. The closest comparison I can think of was the episode where Nero showed up at the Olympic Games and won every event he competed in.
The World Laughs!
The Norway Parliament wins the Comic Nobel.
The Nobel committee is barmy. We always knew they were politically motivated, but here they seem to be motivated by political idiocy. They might like the idea of Obama; they may like him for not being George Bush (which seems like it), but giving him a prize for it is one guaranteed way of undermining his popularity at home.
They cannot see how others see them, as the mirror image of neocons, the ugly Norwegians, trolls for social democrat imperialism.
Norwegian political culture was like that well before the oil wealth. Remember Gro Harland Bruntland?
Whom it would help if I could spell: Gro Harlen Bruntland
In the recognition of the outstanding achievements that are the signature of Mr. Obamas amazing life, we’ve been honored merely to be in in the same space time continuum as he and observe the wisdom of Man bestowed upon the Great Peacemaker.
Noteably absent from any political considerations, the Nobel Peace prize has been awarded to other such notables,Jimmy Carter and Al Gore.
Lest we doubt the wisdom of their choice, we need to understand the actual meaning of this award. It is the stamp of approval to continue Americas deliberate abandonment of core principles, and to stop all war. The core principles I speak of are our capitalistic traditions, and the war is to be stopped regardless of the reasons, because Obama wants peace at any price.
Listen here (Link) to his actual response. When does the election for Supreme Potentate of Earth begin? I see Obama, and perhaps Al Gore as candidates…perhaps Blair too will run?
‘Gro Harlem Brundtland’ 🙂
I’m not sure I get your point. On all of various family members trips to visit family in Norway (I haven’t been), they remarked on the intense work ethic. There was a shame associated with not being a productive member of society that was deeply felt. The last visit was my parents in ’97(?) and they still remarked on it then but according to some relatives there, the good intention oriented socialism was then already turning around into gimme socialism. That in particular is what I am talking about, the shift made clear in the ascension of the Red-Green coalition. A refocus from expecting to help to just expecting ‘help’.
Hey, Arafat had done stuff!
Incidentally, Brundtland was PM during almost the peak of oil production in Norway and was probably an early indication of a voter shift towards expectations of unearned comfort from the oil income.
You’re not thinking like they’re thinking. The Peace prize is given for the greatest contribution towards ending war and international conflict. From their point of view, the best way to prevent conflict is for us to surrender to the enemy.
Given what they think of the war-mongering Republicans (can you imagine Sarah Palin taking that crap from the Iranians?) it’s clear that Obama won it simply for preventing another Republican term in government. He won it for giving the world hope that America’s defence of liberty and rampant capitalism may finally be defeated.
As you say, it’s “not being Bush”. But to be more precise, it’s being someone who won’t do what Bush would have done. It’s for pushing the neo-cons away from any influence over the use of US military power. That is, from their point of view, an actual achievement.
I think it’s a slogan: Go Harlem Brundtland, go!
In my common room at the University of the Left I started rantiung about this award and was left agog as my lefty colleagues took the words out of my mouth “This is a joke! What has he actually done? How can they do this?”
It’s a said day when a crusty old has=been is outflanked by his tranzi juniors!
Whatever “rantiung” and “has=been” mean.
Might as well give the Physics Prize next year to a first semester student anywhere in this world. He´d have earned it at least with a qualification of having heard lectures and doing experiments.
He’s done stuff.
He panhandled Chicago to open a “youth jobs office” on the south side.[1]
He convinced the city to do asbestos remediation in the Altgeld Gardens housing project. Okay, the city had already scheduled the remediation before Teh One showed up on the scene, but he lobbied.
He got elected senator, running against a Republican who was a whackjob and not even a resident of that state. This after getting elected to the IL state senate in an essentially-uncontested election.
Oh, and he graduated from some law school. Which nobody else in the US has ever managed to do before. Or, at least I haven’t.
(I forgot: he also managed to piss a trillion bucks up against the wall in following some Keynesian retardedness. Because that idea certainly had never occurred to anyone before!)
[1] Why a city needs such a thing is still waiting for an answer. In my youth, all those long weeks ago, we found our jobs by looking at the back of the newspaper.
Michael Jennings at 12:14: “This one makes me wonder what the Norwegians are smoking.”
Whatever it was, Michael, it’s a pretty safe bet that they forgot to take it out of the plastic bag before they lit up.
I keep rubbing my eyes, but cannot seem to wake up.
‘Has anyone come across anything remotely resembling a good argument, from anyone, for this ludicrous decision?’
Yes. The world is in love with this fool. He says EXACTLY what they want to hear.
We’re so sorry.
The U.S. is greedy/bad/guilty/mean/will give more money ( whooopeeee ) /pollute less and work hard lower our standard of living to those of the lowest hell holes on earth by depending on solar and wind and magic fairy dust instead of using ( GASP !! ) OIL – which we have IN ABUNDANCE !!!
This is what the ‘general populace’ of the world has been waiting for – an apologetic idiot without conviction or backbone who will tell them exactly what they have been indoctrinated to think about the U.S. for DECADES.
He is, essentially, a useful idiot ( yes I really believe, based on what i have read/heard about him that he is an ignorant, uneducated – don’t tell me about ‘Havard’ – that was an ‘token’ decision – fast talking street thug who has NEVER had an original thought ).
There are a LARGE number of people worldwide who bought into the idea of ‘ANYONE BUT BUSH’
Well, what we got was this moron that a growing number of people wish he was simply a bad dream.
I call him a nightmare.
Oslo, sometime this coming winter…
“Barack, I’m-a let you finish your speech, but Beyonce was ROBBED!”
I suppose the reasoning went something like the following………
“Comrade Barack has been so busy trying to get the games for Valerie Jarrett and his other Chicago Machine comrades, who could really do good things with the money they would corruptly gain, that he has not bothered to make make the choice to support American forces in Afghanistan.
Because Comrade Barack has been concentrating on the bank balances of Valarie Jarrett and his other key allies rather than supporting the American military, the West will lose in Afghanistan – and defeat means peace”.
So perfectly sensible really.