I followed a link I spotted for ‘great science hoaxes‘… and imagine my surprise when it turned out to not be about Anthropogenic Global Warming!
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Great science hoaxes…I followed a link I spotted for ‘great science hoaxes‘… and imagine my surprise when it turned out to not be about Anthropogenic Global Warming! October 19th, 2009 |
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The earth is not flat ; as scientist once taught. It is, in fact, rather lumpy, especially in the Scottish Highlands.
Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher,at least, seems to say this.
If not wrong (again), possibly, Al Gore’s friends are losing their grips, due to greasy palms. It may be due
to some family connection to the oil biz and Armand Hammer ?
Lord Monckton is, rather bizarrely, top man.
Could some Americans (North america!) confirm or deny that Winter has come early this year? This was a news item I heard on the weekend, here in Australia. If so, then Global change, yes, global warming, no!
Holy crap, yes Gray.
Snow last week, but none of it settled. Noon temperature in the 40’s (F) over the weekend.
Further inland, I seem to remember reports of temperatures down at 28F in Chicago last Thursday.
Good to hear, Bod, and is that much below average? I am not as well-informed about world weather patterns as I could wish for, so I don’t know how extreme this might, or might not, be!
In the first two weeks of October in Minnesota, it has averaged about 20 degrees F colder than normal. The coldest first two weeks of October ever recorded for Minnesota. It snowed twice in that period. It returned to the normal temps in the past few days, but is primed to return to 10-15 degrees below normal again.
September was unseasonably warm, almost June-like. But June and July were far colder than average. Many were calling it a year without a summer for Minnesota. Now we’re going right from a Spring-like summer straight past autumn into winter.
But we can be sure that it’s all the fault of Global warming, and George W Bush, somehow! Or did those states vote for GWBush, and this is God getting around in his own good time to punish them?
The weather versus political confusion may be due to the “red states” not voting Red; and, “blue states” actually voting for the Reds. This reversal of colors to
politics was as accidental as everything else political.
I’ve noted the seasons moving off from the calendar. When young, winters were like they are getting to be. So was the wind as strong as it is getting. Less real summer, short springs, fall as once were, and more difficult winters, if not deeper snows, in the US Midwaste.
If there is an energy crisis this winter, we will be told to turn our thermostats down, while advertising, corporate
and instituional buildings, remain fully lighted and empty
night and day.
This scam has been going-on for decades.
Not only do I expect PSAs indicating we should turn the thermostat down, I also expect a heartwarming appeal by the entire first family, simulcast on all TV Channels, slap bang in the middle of evening programming.
They’ll all be wearing impeccable, new Eddie Bauer Arran Knit sweaters imploring us to put on an extra sweater until our national malaise is over.
I know itis “just weather” but where I live in southern France, near Narbonne and about 15 miles from the Mediterranean we had an air frost yesterday morning!
That was the 19th of October.
The locals say that mid December is the usual time for the first frost but last year it was 16th November and the year before the last day of November.
When I lived on Cannock chase which is the quintessential blasted heath, frosts were no earlier than 22nd November!
Here in Israel we are having an unseasonal heat wave with temps above 90F (compared to low 70s, I think). This is all very confusing to those who may not necessarily subscribe to the AGW dogma, but still are unable to grasp the fact that not everything can always be explained to our complete satisfaction. It is weather, it is mostly unpredictable, we have been living with this for ages – why stop now?
Alisa, how could you!
Here we were, basking in the self-righteous glow of vindication, and you go and confuse us with the facts! Couldn’t you have worded it like, ‘Temperatures are just below 100, unusual for this time of year.’? then we could have stayed on our roll!
LOL Nick!
Yes, Nuke, Winter has come early to Maine (extreme North-East USA). But not winter winter.
Alisa, George Orwell wasn’t the only one who could think of ‘Freedom is Slavery’!
I just proved that ‘Hot is Cool!’. And I didn’t really lie. It would be easy to be a lawyer. I guess, but I do have some standards. (Honest! I Do!)