Norman Borlaug has died. He may well have saved more lives than anyone else who has ever lived.
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A moment of respect is dueNorman Borlaug has died. He may well have saved more lives than anyone else who has ever lived. September 13th, 2009 |
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Norman Borlaug was a true treasure to the human race.
I can not help thinking of the contrast between this man who saved millions, and whose name is virtually unknown, and Rachel Carson, who is idolized by the Left, whose name is known and respected by every school child, and whose ideas probably killed more people than Pol Pot.
Unrecognized authority is often the most legitimate. The most popular is more often than not, another matter. Obscurity is often underrated.
So unfortunate for humanity. For years, he has served as my model for a good human being. He did what what right, without celebration, in a field that has been demonized by far too many people.
He will live on through the work of his predecessors… so long as we don’t regulate them out of existence.
I should self-correct a bit. He was celebrated quite a bit, but simultaneously demonized.
A comment on another site proffered that a fitting tribute to Norman Borlaug would be to mulch Paul Erlich and use his remains to fertilize a crop of dwarf wheat.
“A moment of respect is due”
Not according to this unspeakable arse…
We shall not know if we have won, until the vector-sum of all the deliberately evil deeds f the Paul-Ehrlich-GramscoStalinists has been more than negated by the counterpart of those of the LibertarioBorlaugians.
A comment on another site proffered that a fitting tribute to Norman Borlaug would be to mulch Paul Erlich and use his remains to fertilize a crop of dwarf wheat.
Nah. Borlaug’s respect for human life was much too great to suggest such a thing.
>”Not according to this unspeakable arse…”
Some points were valid; not the one atop the head.
Youth in Asia. Critical mass of male population in certain age group….. On large scale, much more happens than intended.
It’s possible he saved as many lives as everyone else who ever lived.
As a proud fellow midwesterner, I will not say anything negative about anyone at this moment when a truly great man has passed from the scene.
If there is a heaven, then at this very moment in paradise there is an unassuming cottage surrounded by bountiful gardens, lovingly tended by a youthful, vigorous, quiet Borlaug, as a line of souls innumerable pass by his gate and ethereally tip their caps out of respect.
A wonderful comment veryretired – and I hope it is so.
Unassuming cottage, fiddlesticks. Norman’s getting a mansion, no less. Besides, I think he deserves a long rest after all the work he has done in really, truly feeding the hungry poor. But yeah, that line of souls. For all I know, I’ve benefited from his work. I’d gladly shake his hand, is what.
Well done, good and faithful servant. Receive now thy reward.