Bill Whittle has a video report of his visit to XCOR on Pajamas TV. If you enjoyed my future history of yesterday, you will enjoy this vision of the current and the near future of New Space.
Whittle visits MojaveBill Whittle has a video report of his visit to XCOR on Pajamas TV. If you enjoyed my future history of yesterday, you will enjoy this vision of the current and the near future of New Space. 1 comment to Whittle visits Mojave |
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In fact, the major industry of space might simply be exploration, with naming rights! We know a little bit about Mars, but there’s still ‘space’ for a Nuke Gray Memorial Mountain Range, or a valley called Nicholasia. Who wouldn’t visit the Alisan Alps, or the Dale Amon Delta, or Countingcats’s Crater? I know I would! And to literally be the first to go there, even if your expedition is only a mile away from where last year’s expedition went- priceless! Plenty of billionaires would redeem the family honour by financing expeditions that named things after the benefactor, so naming unnoticed places would be the real growth industry. (And making sure that life wasn’t hiding away in the remotest corners, of course- because the first confirmed finder of nonEarthly life would be THE most famous name in history!)