Did you hear that Michael Jackson has gone to meet his other maker?
– Adriana Lukas, delivered deadpan during luncheon.
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when Farrah Fawcett got to heaven, God granted her one wish.
she wished for all the children to be safe.
So God killed Michael Jackson
(too soon?)
RE: Michael Jackson.
America, a place where a poor black boy can grow up to be a rich white woman.
Apparently his last request was for a fiddler at the funeral.
On the third day, he will rise.
Doctors aren’t too sure of the cause but have apparently ruled out sunshine, moonlight and good times.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves, talking that way about a dead man. He is dead, right? He didn’t just fall asleep, did he? They have tests for that, don’t they?
Food poisoning. Those 12 year old nuts are dangerous.
Hahaha, there are some really good ones over at FMFT.
Ptomaine poisoning. Ate a bad wiener.
And his last act before croaking? Getting arrested at Wal-Mart. He saw a sign that said “Boys Pants — Half Off”.
Apparently, he hasn’t been this stiff since the weekend Macaulay Culkin stayed over.
Vegetarianism and cartoons don’t mix.