We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

Some of us do think that designer labels will save our souls. That’s bad. But it’s a whole lot better than thinking that, say, the Führer will save your soul, or a crusade against the infidels, or nationalism, or a host of other collective salvations. When the inevitable disappointment from consumerism comes, it’s a private tragedy. When the inevitable disappointment from a collective salvation comes, it’s a national crisis inviting some new, possibly worse, collective salvation. Until humans learn the wisdom of angels, I will remain a great supporter of crass consumerism and conspicuous consumption.

Roger Koppl. I encountered this by randomly exploring the IEA blog‘s blogroll. I will now go shopping.

7 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • Paul Marks

    You are a logical athiest Brian.

    I am not an athiest, but I greatly prefer a logical athiest to an illogical one.

    Whether of the Philip Pullman (God is an evil genius responsble for all the ills of the world, and God is brain dead fool, and God does not exist – three contradictory positions held at the same time) type, or of another type we see so many of today.

    The type you point to – who might be summed up as…..

    “God does not exist – and his name is Obama”. The basic doctrine of the education system and the media.

    If God does not exist Obama can not be God (because God does not exist).

    It is simple logic, but they reject logic.

  • Bod

    Of course, many of us would consider that the Obama campaign; indeed the presidency itself was formulated to hook straight into that ‘Designer Chic’ mentality.

  • “God does not exist – and his name is Obama”


  • Kim du Toit

    As long as the designer labels include “Winchester”, “Colt”, “Ruger” and “Smith & Wesson”, I’m all for it.

  • The left do seem to be notoriously anti-God, but they are remarkably able to find one whenever they have need of one. And it is always made in their own image (department of redundancy department, I know).

  • Laird

    And it is always made in their own image

    Gods always are.

  • kentuckyliz

    So if you’re an atheist, why the appeal to the wisdom of the angels?

    So, God doesn’t exist, but angels do?

    Oh. Kay.