…and Carla Howell has just the song to put you in the mood!
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Springtime, for taxes, in America……and Carla Howell has just the song to put you in the mood! March 20th, 2009 |
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A slightly adapted Talking Heads song just came to mind: “We’re on the road to serfdom…”
From the headline I thought this was going to be a parody (if that’s the right word) of the song from The Producers: “Springtime for Hitler and Germany”.
Cute song, though.
Laird, me too!
“I’ll Godwin that thread in two, Mike”
Youse guys know me to well. I can’t even slip a literary reference past you these days 😉
Dale, I’m sure Mel would be stunned and delighted in equal measure to hear anyone refer to his work as “literary”:-) “Men in Tights”, the opera?
“We’re on the road to serfdom…” – Interesting line of thinking. Remember the rhyme:
“When Adam delved and Eve span. Who was then the gentleman?”
Hey, Bod, I don’t think that counts as a true “Godwin”. It was a real song title!
In the ‘No quibble too petty’ department: “Springtime, for Taxes, in USA” would be more faithful to the meter of the original.
Serfin’ USA!
Ah, Alan beat me to it!
Everybody’s gone serfin’
Serfin’ USA!
Actually, the “mad as hell” scene from the movie Network is circulating like wildfire on facebook. An old college buddy and I were joking around and cooked up a cockamamie idea to have the same screamfest, but when to do it? Tax Day! April 15, noon ET and equivalent times in other time zones. Noon ET–the politicians and financiers more likely to be out for lunch, to witness people pouring into the streets screaming.
Here’s a link to this facebook group/event, please join us, especially Amurricans. Should appeal to the tea party crowd so active nowadays!
“I’m Mad As Hell – April 15 2009 Yellfest” :