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What Gordon Brown hopes he will be able to do with the British economy

Short cryptic link-posts, of the sort which will make absolutely no sense as soon as the link stops working, seem to be accumulating here just now, so here’s another. Check this out. It’s Friday Ephemerus (?) number one at David Thompson‘s today.

Seriously, forgetting about the short cryptic thing, but assuming you now know what I am talking about, I think this might make a good visual metaphor for the television people as they chatter about the Glenrothes bye-election, just won by Labour. Suddenly, David Cameron must now be becoming afraid, very afraid. Is the utter cluelessness of the Conservatives about all the financial turmoil grabbing defeat for them from the jaws of victory? Are they starting to McCain themselves? Are they, the party that is confused and hesitant about doing the wrong thing, going to be beaten yet again by the party that is unconfused and brazen about it?

12 comments to What Gordon Brown hopes he will be able to do with the British economy

  • Ian B

    We’re meant to be excited about which gang of empty-headed elitist progressive lefties get to continue the ruination of our lives next time? Why? I mean, if I’m inevitably going to have a red hot poker rammed up my arse, I’m really not that bothered by the issue of who specifically is going to do it, you know?

    Is Call Me Dave going to withdraw from The eu, restore habeas corpus, right to jury trial, end the wars on smokers, drinkers, free speech, the internet, start reducing the corporate state, shrink the government, end the flow of money to the progressive groups, deregulate, repudiate the Global Warming nonsense, end state enforced recycling, reduce taxes, gain control of our borders, end official state belief in imaginary mental afflictions like “Islamophobia” or “homophobia”, privatise the NHS and abolish state control and provision of schooling? No?

    Waste of fucking time worrying about it then, isn’t it?

  • Andrew Duffin

    What Ian B said.

    Also, we can now expect a snap general election.

    My money’s on February, but it could be sooner.

  • I would be better if Brown was on the street before Christmas,

  • Andrew,
    My thoughts exactly. The tories are a complete shower of gits and Gorgon Brownshirt will seize the Obamanon and go for it. And he’ll probably win.

    Which might be a good thing. Because surely the Tories can’t go further to the left. So we’ll be looking at Billy Hague in 2013.

    Although fuck knows what will be left by then. Because if Gorgon wins off his own bat then he’ll go absolutely mentalist because the deranged cunt will feel he has a mandated. He already has a Mandelson. Bringing that fucker back from the dead was a stroke of bloody genius.

  • RonB

    I take it Ian B you are not happy?

  • Dave B

    Labour being able to hold onto a safe seat (10,000 majority in 2005) in Scotland, does not mean they’re going to win the next general election.

    The panic this seems to be causing on political websites is bizarre.

    It would have been odd if Labour hadn’t won this by-election. Labour winning it is a non-event.

  • Dave B

    Labour being able to hold onto a safe seat (10,000 majority in 2005) in Scotland, does not mean they’re going to win the next general election.

    The panic this seems to be causing on political websites is bizarre.

    It would have been odd if Labour hadn’t won this by-election. Labour winning it is a non-event.

  • Anoynmous

    I think a lot of the panic is because in the wake of Glasgow East, the general expectation was that the SNP would entirely rout Labour from Scotland for good and that SNP victories were the expectation north of the border.

    People are reading into this that Labour has of course resurged which isn’t a valid conclusion to draw – they held their seat with a larger percentage but a smaller total of votes in an area that’s politically insignificant. These are people who would vote for the Labour party if Stalin headed it with Mao as his deputy.

    All this indicates is that the SNP can’t take the Scots vote for granted, which the SNP had rather forgotten.

  • Andrew Duffin

    Dave B, I can’t agree.

    This is a third-term government that was on its uppers only about six weeks ago facing a 25% deficit in the polls.

    To win a by-election after that is not by any means a non-event.

    But I would agree there are special circumstances in this one, notably the end of Alex Salmond’s honeymoon with the voters. He may now be a busted flush, and that’s no bad thing.

    My considered view is that another Labour Governernment would be less of a disaster than the breakup of the UK, though I admit it’s a close call between the two scenarios, disaster-wise.

  • Sunfish

    What Gordon Brown hopes he will be able to do with the British economy

    What teenage boys hope they’ll be able to do with teenage girls?

  • Ian B

    My considered view is that another Labour Governernment would be less of a disaster than the breakup of the UK

    A disaster? Scotchland leaving? Land of the Labour Party and its dour presbyterian social reform authoritarianism? If the skirt-wearers sodded off, it’d be the end of socialist politics in England. Really, I can’t wait for them to go. Don’t slam the door on your way out, Scotsland. God knows why we let them in in the first place.

  • Paul Marks

    Mr Cameron got a “First” (a top) degree from Oxford in Politics, Philosophy and ECONOMICS.

    Sadly this means he (and his friends) have been taught that the thing to do in an economic mess is to print more money (sorry use computers to create more money) and for government deficit spending to be increased – all in order to increase “demand”.

    These economic doctrines are total nonsense – therefore the British economy is doomed (as all major political party leaderships are committed to them).

    Unfortunately this is also true of most countries on the planet.