I love to go to Washington – if only to be near my money.
– Bob Hope
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Samizdata quote of the dayNovember 25th, 2008 |
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Sadly now everyone will go to Washington D.C. – at least everyone who can afford to lobby.
For if people do not they will be outcompeted by rival enterprises that get money from the criminals scum who control the Federal Government (such as the G.S. man who is Treasuary Secretary or the equally criminal New York Federal Reserve man who is taking over in January).
For example, how did failing network N.B.C. go and buy the Weather Channel?
It may be nothing to do with the 138 BILLION Dollars in debt support to General Electric (which owns NBC) that the government has pledged – but it does seem a bit odd.
NBC (and G.E.) should be cutting back – not buying other enterprises.
It is not just banks that may be using the taxpayers money (the bailouts) to buy things they feel like buying.
If only some of my Social Security money remained in Washington ! !
God only knows toward what horrific purpose it’s been applied.
With a 10.3 trillion dollar debt, there’s probably more of my money on the moon than there is in Washington.
There were never at any time any Social Security investments (and a good thing to – as government should not buy shares).
The government either spends the Social Security tax (not “contriubtions”) on paying benefits – or it spends the money buying government I.O.U.s (i.e. it lends itself the money).
The result of these two things is exactly the same – the money is gone.
This was not started by L.B.J. in 1968 (as someone on another thread stated – L.B.J. just shifted more of the money into direct government spending rather than buying government I.O.U.s ) it was there from the day that the first money was taken by F.D.R.
As the Supreme Court ruled long ago – Social Security is not an “insurance scheme” it is a welfare program.
Of course the government could of just got the Dollars and put them in a strong room – to be paid out when you retired.
Much like Martin Van Buren did with the year’s tax – he put the money in a strong room (actually several of them) and paid it out as demanded for government spending (being the only professional banker to ever become President of the United States, Van Buren was not going to trust the money to a Federal bank or to State banks – he knew too well that fractional reserve banking is based on fraud, which can collapse at any time).
But that was a year’s tax money, paid out over the year.
Not money taken from 18 year olds and paid out when they got to 65.
Sorry “keeping your money safe” for you, would never have worked.
In case someone does not understand…..
A government “bond” (or whatever fancy name is used) is just an I.O.U. from the government.
It is represents nothing and is worthless – unless the government takes tax money to pay it.
It is no different from President Johnson taking the Social Security money and spending it on rockets to the Moon (or any other stuff).
Being given an I.O.U. for the money (or rather a lot of government I.O.U.s being put into a “Social Security Trust Fund”) changes nothing at all.
In case someone does not understand…..
A government “bond” (or whatever fancy name is used) is just an I.O.U. from the government.
It is represents nothing and is worthless – unless the government takes tax money to pay it.
It is no different from President Johnson taking the Social Security money and spending it on rockets to the Moon (or any other stuff).
Being given an I.O.U. for the money (or rather a lot of government I.O.U.s being put into a “Social Security Trust Fund”) changes nothing at all.