This is even better.
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Nice work. My compliments to the perpetrators.
Brilliant! just Brilliant!
Huge round of applause please for the Notoiders!
Staying with the 007 theme, did not Sean Connery try this trick in Diamonds Are Forever as a way to foil the redhead?
More of the same, please, NO2ID -ers.
And on the other hand (as it were…), it seems unlikely that the Home Office will find itself able to prove that any prints aren’t genuine, without fingerprinting the Home Secretary.
Presumably, if they did that her fingerprints would be retained for future use even if she were not guilty and/or it turned out there was no match?
I’m pretty sure she has no fingerprints.
She is a lizard!
David Icke gets it right sometimes you know 😉
I do hope they also take a swab so a DNA sample can be obtained…..
Wow, well done! You Brits do civil disobedience like no other.
Those of us with aerospace leanings will inevitably be reminded of Professor Feynmann’s demonstration with a glass of water at the Challenger Commission’s public hearings. Sometimes, a simple demonstration that speaks directly to the public’s understanding is worth more than all the talk in the world.
Well done! Now, the next step is to distribute a million flyers with a link to a website where you can download a digital file of Ms Smith’s dabs. Turn them loose in the netsphere, you’ll be amazed what people will figure out to do with them. Then start replicating her DNA and sell that in little vials.
Tee Hee.