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What Bush might say if he gets really crankyOctober 16th, 2008 |
![]() 7 comments to What Bush might say if he gets really cranky |
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“Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to die of old age before the last pillars of America fall.”
Its coming sooner than you think George. Got some extra rooms at Crawford?
I would pay good money to see POTUS George W Bush deliver this speech. Hell, I’d pay good money to get kim all nice and likkered up so’s he’d deliver the speech. Oh yeah.
Bill Ayers is in Iran?
My only quibble with the piece would be the assertion that the cold war was ‘won’ – being that America’s Marxist fifth column is on the verge of potentially installing the first Bolshevik to the US Presidency, that’s a game that may be too early to call.
On the bright side, we can look forward to the state propaganda organs distracting us from lamenting too much about the passing Golden Age of capitalism, as we stand in line waiting for (insert staple, good, or service here).
Wind Rider:
As for the speech.
George Walker Bush is a graduate of both Yale and Harvard (the only President of the United States to be a graduate of both), he also had very high SAT scores at school and was an O.K. Governor of the State of Texas.
However, I also believe him to be an idiot (if the word “moron” offends people), incapable of thinking up such a speech.
Wind Rider:
As for the speech.
George Walker Bush is a graduate of both Yale and Harvard (the only President of the United States to be a graduate of both), he also had very high SAT scores at school and was an O.K. Governor of the State of Texas.
However, I also believe him to be an idiot (if the word “moron” offends people), incapable of thinking up such a speech.