Men do not like tits because they buy Zoo. Men buy Zoo because they like tits.
– mr eugenides comments on Michael Gove’s aside about men’s mags in this
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Samizdata quote of the dayMen do not like tits because they buy Zoo. Men buy Zoo because they like tits. – mr eugenides comments on Michael Gove’s aside about men’s mags in this August 6th, 2008 |
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A more blindingly self-evident statement of the bleedin’-obvious, it is hard to imagine.
I also like Mr E’s second SESOTBO, in reponse to Mr Gove’s Comstockian Pecksniffing about how
‘Titles such as Nuts and Zoo paint a picture of women as permanently, lasciviously, uncomplicatedly available. . . .’
to which Mr E robustly responded:
‘To put it at its most brutally, many women [and men] are permanently, lasciviously and uncomplicatedly available. Has Michael Gove ever been to Magaluf or Faliraki? This is far from being an attractive trait, but to blame Zoo and Nuts for the rampant rutting of your average British teenager is like blaming swallows for the crappy summer. They merely hold up a mirror to our occasionally rather ugly society.’
I think I grasp which of the two has the clearer picture of human nature as it really is.
“Oh no! What are we to do about teenagers/young adults having sex and treating each other like objects. Ban this filth! Won’t someone think of the children!”
Yet another attempt by those who think they know best to control what people do with their lives. I saw through this as soon as I heard it and I’m willing to bet that alot of the people who read Zoo and Nuts and their ilk did too.
If I had whoever came up with this ridiculuous new slant of control freakery in front of me and a copy of Nuts in my hand, I’d be sorely tempted to shove it somewhere unseemly… sideways.
I never understood the attraction of Page 3 girls or tamer “lad” magazines such as I imagine Zoo and Nuts to be.
And how on earth do any of them survive these days in the face of the internet and sites such as redtube?
The Sun is probably the highest selling British paper because of the sport, and page 3. Nuts and Zoo probably do not need particularly large circulations in order to survive commercially.
I have never actually bought any of these publications but I do understand the attraction of page 3. I am male. Like the vast majority of other males I enjoy looking at pictures of attractive ladies. Bruce I suspect that you fall in the the minority on this.
It’s hard to take a compy into the bathroom for a quickie with Palmela in your lunch break.
But, what about the informative articles?
That’s Playboy’s mission, Nick.
I suspect that people would continue to have illicit naked behavior even if there weren’t any skin magazines. Can’t prove it, but I know that I knew that breasts were pretty neat long before I bought my first copy of Maxim.
(Cue “How dare you tell other people that they have to like boobs! STFU!” in 5…4…3…2…)
Doesn’t Gove take the shilling of a certain Rupert Murdoch, a man not adverse to peddling bosoms.
Perhaps he should take it up with him.
Doesn’t this guy fascination with mammaries put paid to Freud’s penis envy theory. After all far more baby boys get to establish a meaningful relation with breasts before infant girls even get to know about penises.
Quite right Sunfish. They sid.
Did Gove never read the Canterbury Tales?
Millie Woods wrote:
‘Doesn’t this guy fascination with mammaries put paid to Freud’s penis envy theory. After all far more baby boys get to establish a meaningful relation with breasts before infant girls even get to know about penises.’
Why the urge (not you, personally, but generally) to analyse these fascinations with all sorts of deep psychological explanations, references to childhood relationships, and so forth?
Could it be that this ‘guy fascination’ is more-simply explained in terms of the simple wonderfulness of the subject, on so many different levels and in so many different ways?
Sometimes a cigar, is just a cigar, and the explanation for why people like cigars so much are not actually that complicated.
What utter bollocks. I read Gove on that and the fella went down in my estimation. Obviously, everyone likes tits. Or what. I mean or fucking what? The very idea that no fucker ever fucking noticed until Zoo hit the newsagents is farcical. Pre-literate Neanderthals fancied coping a feel. As do I, generally.
And it ain’t just fellas either. I reckon 50% of women are somewhat bi. Everyone likes tits. It’s in our DNA.
I like ’em, you like ’em, Brian likes ’em, even educated Goves like ’em. Tits quite literally seperate us from the animals. Quite literally. Look it up.
Bang on. I keep on saying this. I keep on being ignored. We like tits (and ass and minge) because it’s adorable and anything more sophisticated is bilge. We like it because we’re sexual beings and I can think of 6.5bn reasons to back me up on this one.
Missed the cigar point. Beautiful.
Prince Sined Yar Maharg, “A fine cigar is like a fine woman. They come in all shapes and sizes. Treat them tenderly and lovingly. Caress their skin, admire their beauty, fondle them with reverence. Bring them slowly to your lips, enjoy their flavour, their aroma. Contemplate their essence, their dependability, and forgive them their weaknesses – if there be any. Revel in the rituals, their simplicity and their enduring meanings. Do these things, my son, and the blessings of life shall always be upon you.”
To be rather more accurate men buy Zoo because they are braindead. This, though, does not stop Zoo from making them more so. Chicken and egg doesn’t have to be either or.
Aside from that, the obvious retort is that it’s not whether men like tits, but how they do so. Bearing this in mind, all we have underneath this witticism is the claim, as wrong as it is bizarre, that sexual and other mores are not influenced by environment. And this passes for comment in Libertarianism these days?
Perhaps the real problem with Mr Gove’s speech is that bits of it are a little close to home.
If two is impoverished, where that does that leave one?
Gabriel wrote:
‘Bearing this in mind, all we have underneath this witticism is the claim, as wrong as it is bizarre, that sexual and other mores are not influenced by environment. And this passes for comment in Libertarianism these days?’
Ah, let’s go down that nature vs nurture road, one more time.
As you say, it doesn’t have to be chicken-or-egg, one or t’other.
Of course mores are (often) influenced by environment – that doesn’t mean that they aren’t also (often) influenced by – what can I call this? – non-environmental factors.
I think I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, that a great majority of men like to look at naked women, will do so at every opportunity, will seek out opportunities to do so, and will (often) pay good money to do so – and always have done.
This does not make them ‘brain-dead’ incidentally, any more than responding to many other natural impulses makes a person ‘brain-dead.’
Like any other behaviour, from eating to exercise to playing ‘Doom’, there is a whole spectrum of this behaviour, from those who could care less to those who allow it to become an unhealthy, destructive obsession. But it’s been a common behaviour since time immemorial and (much as many would like to ignore it) representations of naked women have been a commonplace in all times and in all cultures for many a long millenium. The connection between this behaviour and environment is by-no-means either rigourous or consistent – and nor is the connection to non-environental factors.
IOW, it’s a glorious mishmash of all sorts of things, that varies widely from place to place, from time to time, from peoples to peoples, and from person to person. It’s ever-changing, constantly wobbling from one place to another. In other words – Human.
“To be rather more accurate men buy Zoo because they are braindead. This, though, does not stop Zoo from making them more so. Chicken and egg doesn’t have to be either or.”
Indeed. It is obvious that Nuts has a superior television guide, which covers a reasonable range of channels in contrast to the Zoo guide, which IIRC only covers the five terrestrial channels…
llamas, my whole post was a send up. It just so happens that everyone likes to look at what’s pleasing to the eye. People who take everything seriously with a what’s that supposed to mean attitude ask for sending up and I’m ready and able.
So, Gabriel, you don’t like tits?
I have never read Zoo, and I love tits.
I have never read Zoo, and I love tits.
It is so true it deserves to be said twice.
Same for me, CountingCats (in fact, I never even heard about Zoo until this post), but the question was directed at Gabriel, not you.
Everybody loves tits!
Wasn’t Bob Hope’s signiture tune
Thanks for the Mammaries
Your joke didn’t make me laugh out loud, RAB, though I did titter.
Thanks Nicholas 😉
One does ones breast…
Pull the udder one, RAB! You’re still just trying to tittilate the audience! You’d better nipple this in the bud!