The moment that a policy “war” is declared these days, you can guess it’s doomed to gradual failure.
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Samizdata quote of the dayThe moment that a policy “war” is declared these days, you can guess it’s doomed to gradual failure. August 4th, 2008 |
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And if a “ czar”, is appointed, it is already completely lost.
Frequently, a policy war is used as cover for something else which the statists desire but know that we will resist if they come clean about its real purpose.
For example, the real purpose of moneylaundering rules (which are ostensibly part of the war against drugs) in the UK is to squeeze more tax out of us.
The war on terrorism is a pretty good policy war for removing our freedoms wholesale – for our safety of course.
I am sure you can all think of endless examples of the disingenuousness of the Enemy Class.
Of course, the granddaddy of all cases of disingenuousness and dissimulation is the creation of the European Union by functionalist means.
Gradual failure, yes, but ultimate termination? Never!
Isn’t Jenny some sort of actress? I never knew they could be so smart! This sure beats the usual Democrat dribble that Hollywood routinely churns out!
Hell, I would be thrilled if they stopped at just wasting money and failing to solve the problem.
Not just “these days”: it always was. Declaring war on abstracts or categories instead of a clearly organised and bounded group of people can never succeed. You might not lose immediately, but you’ll never win
And even if victory is achieved, would it ever be declared? Or would the problem be redefined to give the bureaucracy an indefinite lifespan? See “discrimination, war on”.