We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Politics as usual

I have been perhaps less fascinated by the current political season than some, but despite my loathing for one media darling and disregard for the other, I have watched the rather normal campaign season unfold.

It is all so predictable. The Democrats are running a Chicago politician, and that means someone who knows ‘machine’ politics inside out. Whatever Obama does, Obama does for political reasons. “Change” is just a nice meaningless word with which to whip up the party workers. One can well imagine that each ‘problem’ has been orchestrated to make some faction of the Democratic base feel he is ‘their’ man and is being ‘pushed’ toward the middle. Instead of seeing campaign events through the lens you are accustomed to, start looking at it from the viewpoint of “which constituency does it play to?”

Take the Reverend Wright bruhaha. It simultaneously solidified support for him amongst the radical black constituency, made him appear to them as an oppressed victim, and allowed him to move toward the center. That is one brilliant bit of maneuvering, a double play that would do Karl Rove proud.

Democratic candidates have a certain problem to deal with. The activists who will get out and work and who will secure the nomination are significantly (consider that an understatement of British proportions) to the left of the general population. Without their support, a candidate will have a difficult time getting the money and workers required for a successful nomination. Then comes the problem: once nominated they must be positioned for electability. That requires a bit of legerdemain.

The best way to handle it is to appear ‘forced’ to the right. The base believes they ‘know’ what the candidate really believes and continues to support them. There is always enough new blood around that either did not learn through a previous election what happens next or else is gullible enough to believe it will somehow be different this time.

My prediction? By September Obama will be so centrist and mainstream you will be hard pressed to find light of day between him and the polled positions of the American public.

5 comments to Politics as usual

  • Paul Marks

    I tried to reply to this before – but I got “Internet Explorer can not display the webpage” after I had written my words of wisdom (or unwisdom).

    This happens about 50% of the time and can be really irritating if one has put a lot of effort into writing a reply.

    So I hope you will forgive me if I do not reply point-by-point.

    My main thought when reading your posting was “yes and no”.

    Yes Senator Obama was trained by the Chicago machine (indeed he married into it) and is willing to say anything to get elected.

    BUT (you knew that word was comming) this does not mean he does not have real beliefs.

    Just as Bill Ayers working for Mayor Daley does not mean that Bill Ayers does not have real beliefs.

    Indeed influence over the education system (full of leftist ideas even before he started) is exactly the sort of thing that Mr Ayers would want – and having avoid words like “Marxism” (or even “socialism”) is a price he is prepared to pay.

    “But he has to wink at deals with local capitalists” – yes he does, but that is also a price he is prepared to pay for the long term good of the cause.

    The guy who came from Harvard to join the comrades in Chicago is no different – he will make tatical compromises (of which words are the cheapest) in order to achieve stuff for the cause.

    He is corrupt and principled – at the same time.

  • Paul Marks

    Now I am getting doubles – because if I just wait and wait (rather than hit post again) I get internet explorer can not display the webpage.


    “Normal paranoia Paul”.

    Perhaps, but there is a lot evidence that Obama is what I say he is.

    And why should he not be?

    For many decades “practical” people have been saying that does not matter what is taught in schools and universities – and these same “practical” people are astonished when they are replaced by a generation filled with semi collectivist ideas in the very companies they thought so above “theory”.

    Generational change means a change to the left – not just in things like Fortune magazine, but in many major corporations. Someone can be a good businessman (indeed an independent businessman – outside a corporation) and still be full of semi collectivist political ideas.

    And what about the people who are not “semi” at all – the people who did not turn up to class hung over from the night before, or spend the day looking at the female students or thinking about baseball.

    The “good students” – the people who get to the top (like editor of the Harvard Law Review).

    The people who ate up every bit of collectism they were taught – and carried all the collectivist principles to their logical conclusions.

    Ludwig Von Mises pointed out again and again that it was the good students who were to be feared – because they were good at learning stuff that happens to be both wrong and evil.

  • Paul Marks

    Now I am getting doubles – because if I just wait and wait (rather than hit post again) I get internet explorer can not display the webpage.


    “Normal paranoia Paul”.

    Perhaps, but there is a lot evidence that Obama is what I say he is.

    And why should he not be?

    For many decades “practical” people have been saying that does not matter what is taught in schools and universities – and these same “practical” people are astonished when they are replaced by a generation filled with semi collectivist ideas in the very companies they thought so above “theory”.

    Generational change means a change to the left – not just in things like Fortune magazine, but in many major corporations. Someone can be a good businessman (indeed an independent businessman – outside a corporation) and still be full of semi collectivist political ideas.

    And what about the people who are not “semi” at all – the people who did not turn up to class hung over from the night before, or spend the day looking at the female students or thinking about baseball.

    The “good students” – the people who get to the top (like editor of the Harvard Law Review).

    The people who ate up every bit of collectism they were taught – and carried all the collectivist principles to their logical conclusions.

    Ludwig Von Mises pointed out again and again that it was the good students who were to be feared – because they were good at learning stuff that happens to be both wrong and evil.

  • Paul Marks

    This will be the last one (my original comment was one long comment – but their is no way my system would post that).

    The special thing about “now” is how far the left have come.

    People like Senator Obama are building up the work of so many who have gone before them.

    So it is really a tidy up job now.

    For example, they already control most schools and universities – so de facto banning home schooling and private schools who employ teachers who have not been “correctly trained” is just the final stage.

    Ditto with the media.

    Back in the 1930’s most newspapers were conservative (to the despair of Harry Hopkins and co),

    Now most are at least friendly to the left – and by “most” I mean about 9 out of 10 newspapers.

    Radio and television?

    Fairness doctrine to destroy talk radio, and lots of stuff (from “anti trust” to the I.R.S.) to make Rupert M. of News International play ball (he will – he is no hero).

    The other networks have fallen into line already (although ABC has not got ridden of John Stossel yet – he will be eased out in a year or so, IF he needs to be).

    The courts?

    “Hate speech” and everything else will be approved by many judges already on the Federal bench.

    And they will be joined by many others of their kind soon – recuited with the “best” legal education.

    All in all they do NOT need to get rid of all dissent – just make sure that 51% of the people do not have regular exposure to it.

    Then they can blame any economic problems (for example) on “greedy businessmen” – and many businessmen will rush out to agree with them.

    “2008 does not matter – we can get them out in 2012”.

    Sadly no – because things will have gone too far.

    2008 may prove to be a knock out blow for the West.

    It is later than people think.

    It is unfortunate that I have lived to see it – but that is my own fault.

    Still Happy July 4th.

    Let us hope I am mistaken.

  • This is from Brian’s latest post.