If you want to be a part of the most secretive of the New Space launch companies, here is your opportunity!
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Blue Origin is hiringIf you want to be a part of the most secretive of the New Space launch companies, here is your opportunity! July 5th, 2008 |
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Hiring regardless of nationality, and regardless if they grew up in the wilds of Mid Ulster?
Actually, you’ve never heard of the MOST secretive new space launch company. Because it’s secret. It’s so secret that I can’t tell you that they use flux capacitors instead of rockets.
Silly bastard, you did tell them. Now I have to kill them. What did you do that for?
That isn’t news. The hiring stuff has been on the website since at least the first flight of the New Shepard.
Love their logo.
Also the most hopeful of the new space companies. Looks to me like the design scales to an orbital vehicle.
True, but the web site has been updated and the requests for personnel drastically expanded quite recently, perhaps in the last month.
Dale, thank you for this link. I’ve forwarded it to my son, who is studying Aerospace Engineering. Perhaps he can get an internship there next summer.
They do hire interns but many are graduates working on advanced degrees. They are really looking for experienced individuals with specific skills. They will consider young creative types who are willing to work long hours to get the job done. Working environment is very pleasant. There is a give and take to everything. Even the Flux Capacitors have some gliches.