Glenn Reynolds links to this article on not one, but two different pipe bombings in San Diego.
I suspect the answer to the question “Why Haven’t We Heard About This” is to be found in the lack of blood and bodies.
No bleed, no lead.
Pipe bomb attacks in San DiegoGlenn Reynolds links to this article on not one, but two different pipe bombings in San Diego. I suspect the answer to the question “Why Haven’t We Heard About This” is to be found in the lack of blood and bodies. No bleed, no lead. 2 comments to Pipe bomb attacks in San Diego |
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Time to outlaw pipes?
If you look through American LEO Training websites there is a strong thread about bomb disposal, etc. I couldn’t understand the fascination, after all they didn’t have the IRA running around, etc.
A decade ago I went on a training course in Canada, which took me to Montreal. Speaking with the LEO types who were attending I was gobsmacked (technical term) by the number of bombing incidents they deal with that we never hear about; biker gangs, crazies, etc. There’s a lot more of it going on than we would think about.