Fitna. The film made by Dutch MP Geert Wilders.
Make of it what you will.
WARNING: May not be worksafe.
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Tonight’s feature presentation is…Fitna. The film made by Dutch MP Geert Wilders. Make of it what you will. WARNING: May not be worksafe. March 28th, 2008 |
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It’s a much better production than i was expecting. Not as gratuitously insulting as the pre-marketing hype had suggested. I wouldn’t want to be a Dutchman working in the Middle East right now though..
Oh, it’s quite worksafe.
If you work at the BBC, that is.
What’s wrong with being “gratuitously” insulting to Islam?
The killing of 3000 on 9/11 was gratuitous, Beslan was gratuitous, as was Madrid and 7/7. What happens every week in Israel is gratuitous. Making a film is nothing.
OK, here’s gratuitous for you. When Imran Khan said that the Danish Cartoons were worse for Muslims than the Holocaust was for Jews that’s gratuitous. More Brits were killed on 9/11 than in any IRA “spectacular”, more than on 7/7, and for Tony Blair to then witter on about the “Religion of Peace” is gratuitous. Did Churchill call the Nazis the “Party of Peace” during the blitz? I mean, we all know the Nazis were generally sound (with excellent Green credentials) there was just a few bad apples… Yeah, and communism was a real good idea but Stalin was just a very naughty man…
I have studied Islam quite extensively and it’s like the sewer system of Greater Manchester – fascinating but repulsive. There is not a single aspect of Islamic doctrine that I agree with because just like the sewer system of Greater Manchester for me it’s just round the bend.
Just take a look at this if you want to see gratuitity. Look at the whole thing, all of you. I bet most of you haven’t seen an X-ray of a watch lodged in somebodies neck before. That happened by the grace of Allah.
A bunch of C7th barbarians don’t represent the existential threat that, say, the Greens do but these fuckers need to be defeated and moreover deserve to be handed their asses on a platter. They ought to be trounced and every movie made, every blog-posting, every cartoon drawn is a step along the way. Make no mistake, Islam is essentially, at source, evil.
pommy, I’m not having a go at you. I’m just trying to make a general point which happens to spin-off your comment.
PS. I am listening to Johnny Cash, as usual. I’m listening to “Hurt”. According to Islam we are no more than Allah’s ant-farm, slaves to his capricious will. “Hurt” contains the phrase, “My Empire of dirt” which I find somewhat apt.
It’s a Trent Reznor song.
Good post, Nick M. Spot on.
I’ve watched it. Apart from the odd moment of revulsion, the film is imho quite moderate.
As a libertarian and also as a scientist, I acknowledge the existence of God (which is “order” or “Logos” as in 1, John 1), and I seek to understand His mind, this is the whole point of science, which both Christians and (to an even less extent) Moslems have grasped really quite imperfectly.
Therefore, I do find difficulties, which are in the criticism of ordinary individual humans who choose to believe all this stuff about some barbaric and vengeful anthropogenicized hallucino-fantasy called “Allah”, and other Islamist and Koran-thingy nonsense. I teach their children, for f***’s sake, things like “maths” and “science”, and these poor kids – although by our standards tormented parentally at home – are really rather “normal”; in fact they are almost as de-socialised as our indigenous English white male yobs with whom they fortunately mix readily.
The problem is rather like that which we faced when we were forced to reduce the Third Reich to justifiable and decent, good, honest rubble. How could we separate the “good” Germans, terrorized by the Ge-sat-po and the SD and state-guillotines in prisons, into fearful silence, from all the (quite many) willing executioners around them, when it came to a choice of “us or them”?
I don’t think we can expect any more the unobtainable objective of our wannabe leaders, which is for “moderate Moslems” to expose the “extremists” “in their midst”.
It will get worse. It is very sad, and all totally unnecessary.
Could someone explain how to download this before the Gestapo succeed in having it taken down?
There is a torrent on
You need a bit-torrent client to get it, something like mu-torrent or azureus.