Something for the afternoon tea break:
We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people. Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house] Authors
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The Big Brother State videoMarch 25th, 2008 |
![]() 13 comments to The Big Brother State video |
Who Are We?The Samizdata people are a bunch of sinister and heavily armed globalist illuminati who seek to infect the entire world with the values of personal liberty and several property. Amongst our many crimes is a sense of humour and the intermittent use of British spelling. We are also a varied group made up of social individualists, classical liberals, whigs, libertarians, extropians, futurists, ‘Porcupines’, Karl Popper fetishists, recovering neo-conservatives, crazed Ayn Rand worshipers, over-caffeinated Virginia Postrel devotees, witty Frédéric Bastiat wannabes, cypherpunks, minarchists, kritarchists and wild-eyed anarcho-capitalists from Britain, North America, Australia and Europe. CategoriesArchivesFeed This PageLink Icons |
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This is not I hope too OT…
Yesterday I was really gunning to buy a 1 Terabyte net drive as a simple back-up solution for my wife and I’s files.
Now, obviously, we have back-up drives on our machines (except laptops) but this seemed a nice, simple, solution for an extra level of protection.
PC World had a good price on the heavily TV advertised WD MyBook and I was all set to toddle off to Stockport when… I thought I’ll have a butcher’s at DK’s blog. Well, it turns out that for DRM purposes this drive will not share across the network umpteen file types including things like Quicktime, wma, mp3 Ogg-Vorbis etc… WD hobbled it presumably to prevent any DRM nastiness in the future.
Now I know a million apes with a million typewriters who might have a need for 1TB of shared filespace for .docs but other than that what’s the point?
Is this an example of the trusted computing mentioned in the video?
Christ Almighty, a piece of hardware I legally own would not allow me to share video from my camera with my wife that I took when we were on honeymoon… If that is not bang out of order I have no idea what is.
And no, it wasn’t that sort of video. For one thing I don’t think the TSA would have looked kindly on me taking my tripod…
I could have brought down Western Civilization with that (or at least cold-cocked the officious bitch who poked around with my Thinkpad).
So, I dunno, it seems it ain’t just government. They have their corporate co-conspirators to boot.
So, DK, next time I’m down Brixton way I’ll buy you a pint! Cheers for the tip!
Terrific video, it was extremely well made and well narrated. I would have loved for it to have gone on for longer and pointed out even more ways that our privacy has been breached, and how our personal information is not secure, as demonstrated by the idiotic Home Office losing 6 million records last November.
I don’t know what things are like on your side of the pond, but if you try to video tape a police officer over here, you’ll probably learn the hard way that super-citizens are allowed to turn off the telescreens.
Well I would love to view it
trouble is, when I try to click on it
it says
rich media blocked.
I have no idea why, do you?
RAB, it’s a YouTube video which is neatly embedded in page. It looks like the problem is at your end. Perhaps an overzealous setting on your browser blocking videos? Nothing we can do, I’m afraid.
Here is the link to the video directly on YouTube. I suspect you won’t be able to play it there either…
Thanks Adriana.
You are correct. No luck there either.
I will search for it on Utube.
I can get that.
I will be back if I have anything pertinent.
Do you want it emailed?
If your service can handle an email file that large, that is.
Yes please, CC. Thanks.
Very well done. I’ve never seen that animation technique before.
There is a term for this kind of thing…..anarchotyranny. The state allows for a certain amount of instability (like letting in legal or illegal immigrants from hostile countries), and then turns around and uses that instability as an excuse to ‘restablize’ things by creating more laws. Eventually everyone is a criminal, by one type of infraction or another. Our tax laws in the US are a perfect example. The tax code is so complex that even lawyers and accountants don’t quite understand it. Everyone has fallen short somehow. Will they audit you or not? As Death says in Hogfather, “Have you been naughty or nice?”
By the way, I have a mac and had no trouble viewing this.
Thanks for the video. I intend to send the permalink around to a lot of people.
There is a term for this kind of thing…..anarchotyranny. The state allows for a certain amount of instability (like letting in legal or illegal immigrants from hostile countries), and then turns around and uses that instability as an excuse to ‘restablize’ things by creating more laws. Eventually everyone is a criminal, by one type of infraction or another. Our tax laws in the US are a perfect example. The tax code is so complex that even lawyers and accountants don’t quite understand it. Everyone has fallen short somehow. Will they audit you or not? As Death says in Hogfather, “Have you been naughty or nice?”
By the way, I have a mac and had no trouble viewing this.
Thanks for the video. I intend to send the permalink around to a lot of people.
Great vid, Thanks Adriana
These modern cctv cameras are not in the least bit funny, as I know from personal experience.
Austin Mitchell MP has tabled an EDM relating to troubles such as mine, but so far only 80 MPs have signed it.
Tells you a lot about the others!