You are on death row awaiting execution. What would you order for your last meal?
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Discussion point XIXMarch 4th, 2008 |
![]() 44 comments to Discussion point XIX |
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Liver, fava beans and a nice Chianti of course.
White truffle risotto. Argentine fillet steak. A bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947 to wash it down.
1000 year old eggs…
I’ll wait!
Reindeer steak, grilled to blue.
Black truffle risotto.
Vichy carrots.
A good Chateuneuf to wash it down.
Stuffed cabbage.
Dozen Bluepoint oysters (gotta be ready for those 72 virgins).
Angel hair pasta with clams, scallops, muscles, and shrimp in red sauce.
Stuffef Veal Chop.
An entire Cheesecake factory chocolate fudge cheesecake.
Bottle of Opus One.
Something low fat, low sodium, free range organic Fair Trade…. oh never mind!
A big steak.
Rare of course. The chair will bring it all the way to medium later.
This time of Year?
Creamy winter vegetable soup.
Roast beef, roast potatoes, parsnips, carrots, brussels sprouts, peas and horseradish sauce
A very large slice of chocolate cheescake
Cheese Board
Several, (many), pints of bitter
A large Cuban cigar
And of course, a wafer thin chocolate mint.
My lawyer, well-done.
A revolver and escape map salad?
whatever will cause the stinkiest most disgusting mess as the inevitable happens during the execution.
Wouldn’t this be the time to indulge in potentially fatal foods?
Alternatively, eat something so awful that you don’t might dying. The perfect time for a person with peanut allergies to have every peanut related dish known to man.
I’d order Hemlock, along with a garnish of Cyanide – so retaining the honour of controlling my own demise rather than leaving it to the State.
Chicken chimichanga, with extra onions and extra sour cream.
Since no one mentioned it yet:
Solution of U[235]Cl4 in D2O — enough of it to go out with a bang.
I read something by a prison chaplain( sorry I can’t remember more) to the effect that nobody ever ate their last meal;they were to upset.Anyone to refute or confirm this?Sounds plausible to me.
Tanuki has it, otherwise? Who cares. The bastards are about to kill me, you think I would give a toss what I eat?
Any ceremony about the condemned mane last meal is, in the circumstances, a sick hypocrisy.
Beans, cabbage, and eggs. In preparation for my last words.
Yes indeed Tanuki has it !
I was going to order a razor blade sandwich
Just to thwart the bastards!
But I prefer to spit in the eye of sanity
and have started a small tunnel…
Counting cats I have read many of your comments in the past and always considered you rather civilised but your comment above has completely discredited you.
A mediocre meal is a lost opportunity. One should not waste any chance to enjoy good food. A person who lives to 70 will only get around 75,000 opportunities cradle to grave. It simply is not enough, and, no I am not overweight.
“Pull my finger”?
Beef tenderloin, medium rare, with romanoff potatoes, grilled asparagus with hollandaise, and Johnny Walker Blue Label on the rocks.
BTW, you might want to check out the Dead Man Eating page(Link). A lot of states have strict rules about what you can have — I think the US Feds limit you to $20, has be prepared in the prison kitchen, and no alcohol.
In that case I think I would go with Southern Fried Chicken, cheese fries, and sweet tea, with ice cold watermelon for desert. A whole watermelon.
Something heavily seasoned with Ebola and the opportunity to give all of my captors a warm hug and tell them [atchoo! ] of my forgiveness [atchoo! ]. I would miss out on experiencing the delightful symptoms, but they on the other hand would know the full measure of my contrition.
Plug for a chum:
Last Suppers: Famous Final Meals from Death Row(Link)
5 lb of Semtex, 10 lb of nails, and a detonator in an Angels Food cake. I don’t belong here, I was framed, and if you think I’m going out alone, you’ve got another think coming!
I don’t know if you guys ever heard of this great food/cooking show, but it’s on the “Mojo Channel” here in the states and it’s called “After Hours With Daniel” (Link)wherein Chef Daniel Boulud gets a bunch of his chef buddies together along with a celebrity or two and they dine on exotic and ridiculously extravagant cuisine.
One week he put the question similar to the one for this thread to his chef buddies, and Chef Daniel’s answer was probably my favorite-
(thick french accent)-“I’m eh, not sure from which parvt it will be, but eet veel definitely be from some part of ze peeg.”
I second that. Baby back ribs, slow smoked shoulder, stuffed pork loin…….ok now I’m hungry.
Something that takes a FUCKING long time to prepare, I should hope!
Sugar and water, so I could put my hair up in spikes and do “hey, I already been done” gags all the way to the Chair. That would be cool.
Something involving whale and panda meat with a sider order of baby seals, kittens and, hell, a unicorn.
Reason is quite obvious.
Richard Nixon
Already told you: stuffed cabbage.
Hm. Following the rules most prisons have for the last meal:
Shrimp Fra Diavolo with angel hair pasta, a Caesar salad, french bread and butter. Iced tea with lemon to drink, and a bar of Belgian chocolate for dessert.
What can I say? I’m a somewhat simple man with somewhat simple tastes.
Nothing at all. If I was on death row for the assassination of a certain Ms H Clinton, Mr B Obama and Mr J McCain I think that would still be on a permanent high at having removed those 3 from the daylight.
The Manchu-Han Banquet. All 108 dishes of it.
Good luck making that live monkey brain dish!
I’m confused. Is this the thread about Scarlett Johansson’s and Natalie Portman’s breasts?
Osama bin Laden’s liver. They can’t kill me until they find him.
Steak and chips – hold the salad, I do not need to worry about my health.
Gordon Brown’s kidneys.
A bucket of orange juice and 3 bottles of vodka.
I’ll be drinking myself to bolivia.
I wonder if one were to get alcohol poisoning would they postpone the execution until you were healthy enough to be killed?
Lots of factual material about last meals is available, for example here. I’ve read several of these lists over, including the largest ones from Texas and Florida, and what strikes me is the large amount of sugary desserts and junk foods, particularly ice cream. At the risk of sounding like some granola progressive, it really makes you wonder about correlations between junk-food intake and crime.
Lot’s of interesting ones here
Assuming they were planning to do me at dawn according to tradition, I would have a full English breakfast like you would get in a farm B&B in the Yorkshire Dales. I hope they wouldn’t use the fatty Canadian so called bacon we get here, though. That would be very upsetting.
Double helpings of black pudding and fried eggs with a side order of baked beans would help give them something to remember me by.
A fry up and gas chamber in one.