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At least the chimps will only throw feces at you, Congressmen make you vote which one of them gets to throw feces at you. Chimps would also be less prone to corruption, come to think of it can I write in “Coco the monkey” on my ballot come November?
These are some scary monkeys.
Can anyone tell the difference here, really?
Chimps and Congresscritters are equally corruptible and both for the same bait.
Sex, food and status are what it takes, and not necessarily in that order.
On last comment, a bit harsh on those chimps aren’t ya?
Chimps are a little too cute for congresscritters. I tend to think of the tomb full of snakes from “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.
“Asps, very dangerous. You go first.”
As an aside, just read a very interesting article at the Claremont Review by Stanley Kurtz called “Tribes of Terror. I would be interested in others’ reactions.
Don’t insult the chimps.
The chimps are not singing “God bless America”, they are waiting for their favourite TV show, “Bananas in Pyjamas”, and then they will try to eat the TV. All this is much more civilised than any actions of a Congresscritter.
Oh you mean the United States Congress.
I’ll get me coat.
Get your hands off my paycheck, you damn dirty ape!