Hayek? …. Check!
Hazlett? …. Check!
Von Mises? …. Check!
Ron Paul gave an extremely cogent economics talk to Seattle Business leaders which you can watch here.
He even wants to dump Sarbanes-Oxley. What more could you ask?
I love it when he talks Austrian…Hayek? …. Check! Ron Paul gave an extremely cogent economics talk to Seattle Business leaders which you can watch here. He even wants to dump Sarbanes-Oxley. What more could you ask? 20 comments to I love it when he talks Austrian… |
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What more could you ask?
A candidate who will finish the job in Iraq?
How about someone who is so good-looking that TV cameras always spy them out? If Ron was Rhonda Paul, with good grooming, she’s be in the White House before you can say ‘Freedom’! (And when are Americans going to give that building a politically correctified name? White is so last millenium!!)
“A House Of Diversity”?
Turn it into a Waffle House?
You mean IHOP?
Sorry Dale, I am just tired of reading about Ron Paul – feel free to tell me to shut up now:-)
I am just tired of reading about Ron Paul
Well, we are all about choice aren’t we? There is a simple answer to this – don’t read about him. Play racketball instead.
The Paulians helped Huckabee win in South Carolina because they were annoyed at Romney. I wonder who Paulians will support or will they just get the hump & stay home in Nov.
Please define what constitutes ‘finishing the job’. When everybody’s dead perhaps?
CCats: 🙂
What more could you ask?
A candidate who’s not so closely associated with the Lew Rockwell crowd and their dubious friends (and nationalism) and who supports the free migration.
Of course, if he does, London is stuffed…
There’s a band: south of this band, there is no IHOP but only Waffle House. North of it, only IHOP, no Waffle House.
Now, this is really important: Where is WA DC in relation to the IHOP-Waffle House boundary? It’s possibly the most important question that any of us will answer this election cycle.
(God, I only wish that were true.)
As far as something else to wish for, some prayer of competence in foreign affairs would be nice, but that’s not to be with RP and I’ll be fair and allow that none of the other candidates (with the possible exception of Her Evilness) would be perfect there either. I caucused for RP last night, on the basis that I had to do something and I wouldn’t cross the street to urinate on McRomabee if you set them on fire after I drank nine cups of coffee.
I did not feel good about it.
Sunfish: well, there is always Denny’s after all.
Do you really think that McCain would be worse then Billary on foreign affairs?
That bit works for me. Just get rid of the welfare state and free migration is not a ‘problem’ at all.
Denny’s would put food in front of me when I was drunk after the bars closed. That alone makes them cool.
Maybe and maybe not. Not too long ago, he made a comment about “hating” “gooks.” If he has anger or hatred left over from his five years in Hanoi, I certainly can’t fault him for that. I would probably hold a grudge or 10,000 myself. However, we don’t pay Presidents to be human. We pay them to look at the world objectively and react to it. If he has the power to vaporize a billion people at once, I don’t want him to have leftover issues that will cloud his thinking.
This, naturally, assumes that anybody else would be that much better.
But then there is someone on another thread/blog that says that when he returned to VN, he met and embraced his torturer. Is this true? The guy does come across as unstable and unpredictable. As Paul has remarked, there is an upside to this, but the downside can be very serious. On the other hand, Billary seems to be very predictable indeed, and that is just as scary.
Well, I could ask that he follow Hayek and Mises in abandoning a return to metallism as not practically possible, even if one believes that metallism is basically plausible in a rapidly growing information and technology economy.
Since the real world has abandoned inflationary policies as a Good Idea, Mises’ well-reasoned polemics about them from the 20s aren’t exactly as relevant as they were; the greatest danger of fiat money, deliberate inflationary policy, is dead in the developed nations, is it not?
Whereas the danger of metallism, booms and busts fueled by discoveries of new sources of gold, and issues caused by creation of wealth far outstripping the influx of new bullion, are inherent to metallism, yes?
Sunfish said:
And THAT’S why John Bolton would be the perfect compliment in his cabinet, or as veep!
Ron Paul would be a good head of the Office of Management and Budget, or the Department of Commerce, but he’s not good on foreign policy.