The Daily Telegraph asks:
“Just what do chalet girls get up to?”
I have been skiing several times and judging by the partying I er, saw (honest, guv), quite a good deal. As for the chaps, well…
Asking all the hard questionsThe Daily Telegraph asks:
I have been skiing several times and judging by the partying I er, saw (honest, guv), quite a good deal. As for the chaps, well… 5 comments to Asking all the hard questions |
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God, are they STILL making chicken hotpot and pumpkin soup in those places? They were doing that in 1980 as I recall, and I just bet they are still as stingy with the alcohol. Also then chalet girls had to make sure that you could ski right up to the front door, not cut a path through the snow.
Just think.
If the Beach Boys couldn’t ski either,
We would have had
Chalet Girls… 🙂
I’ve apparently been skiing in all the wrong places. Rather than “chalet girls” I was surrounded by dredlocked trustafarians saying “Dude, if you fall, you’re gonna have a BAD TIME. This new String Cheese Incident? cut on my Ipod has really crunchy grooves, dude!”
Of course always ski
Arf Piste.
When I fall, I’m so relaxed
I bounce…
I recently went skiing (and saw snow) for the first time ever.
God, I sucked.