After all “It takes a village”… to burn a witch.
– Paul Marks, paraphrasing Hillary Clinton
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Samizdata quote of the dayDecember 14th, 2007 |
![]() 13 comments to Samizdata quote of the day |
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Quote of the day? Of the decade more like it!
Oh dear, that’s brilliant.
Mr Reynolds!
which witch ?
Lord help us! Not only does Paul possess a razor sharp analytical mind, but someone has bought the bitter twisted old git a sense of humour for Christmas.
World domination is just just a shot away.
Welcome to the New Marksian age. 🙂
So I guess we are Marksists now, eh? 😀
Humor is often found looking at something familiar from a different direction.
Paul has always had a (very dry and somewhat twisted) sense of humor. Many if not most of my spray-the-keyboard moments come from Paul’s dead pan delivery catching me by surprise.
Clicking on your link, I see the market has come to a verdict on the Hildebeeste’s magnum opus…
Well spotted, Brian! I missed that bit…
The market has indeed spoken!
From one of the customer reviews:
“What do you get when a village raises a child?”
“It takes a village to raise a child”
“It takes a pillage to raze the taxpayer”
I would like to point out that some of my best friends are witches. I meant no disrespect to the wiccan community.
You blackhearted reactionary, you! Burning witches is nasty. All Ms Clinton requires is to be doused with a bucket of water (I’m melting! I’m melting!) and all we’ll be left with is a trouser suit.